With great choices comes greater confusion. The flexible ways to declare routes in Gin Web Framework means raise questions about whether any particular way is more performant.
Many Routes to Gin
Serious Title: How various ways of declaring routes on Gin affects performance
This guide will show you how to use Visual Studio Code to work on Java Play Framework project that is using sbt for dependency management.
Mac Live Share, I Can't Hear You
Serious Title: Enabling Live Share Audio on Mac
A quick guide on how to enable audio on Visual Studio Live Share Audio on Mac.
Where My Tools Go
Serious Title: Development Dependencies in Go

This posts seeks to answer the question: how are development dependencies managed in Go projects?
In this guide, we'll pick up some tips and tricks on how to communicate code better over conference calls, such as how to increase the zoom level of any application (Tip #3).
How I broke tf.data.datasets down into manageable chunks
Serious Title: Relative Performance of .shard(), .skip() and .batch() in TensorFlow

Ever have the wonderful experience of a multi-day/week processing job crashing on you at 99%, only to have to re-process everything again?
I added a feature that was "impossible" for three years
Serious Title: Adding the option to hide scrollbar to SumatraPDF

Facing a seemingly impossible task? Fret not, read on for a story of how I dealt with one (and perhaps learn something about C++ and Win32 API GUI programming along the way) TL;DR I wanted to add a feature to a piece of open-source tool I've been using for quite some time, but discovered that the feature was requested many years ago and was deemed to complicated.
A Python Tkinter GUI App That Won't Make You Puke Blood (Part 2)
Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 2)

This is the second part of my adventure in building a pure Python GUI application with Python's Tkinter library.
A Python Tkinter GUI App That Won't Make You Puke Blood (Part 1)
Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 1)

If you are looking to build simple GUI application in Python Tkinter and distribute it to your friends, but are having problems navigating the greek documentation, look no further, read on for how I did it.
Anaconda sans Internet
Serious Title: How to set up Conda environment without Internet

If you are wondering how to set up Anaconda / Conda environments on a machine without Internet connection (but are allowed to transfer file from a machine that does have Internet connection), read onto see how I did it.