Elements of Clojure

Book Details

  • Full Title: Elements of Clojure

  • Author: Zachary Tellman

  • ISBN/URL: 978-0359360581

  • Reading Period: 2020.12–2020.12.25

  • Source: Watched an video title "On Abstraction" by Zachary Tellman and was inspired to explore more.

General Review

  • Provides some useful concepts and terminology for reasoning about software design.

    • For example, the smallest useful unit of computation can be considered as a process, and such a process would comprise three general operations: pulling data, transforming data, and pushing data. The data pushed out will also contain information on how to deal with said data.

  • Can be extremely vague at times. For example, consider the second sentence in the paragraph below, taken from the chapter on Composition:

    In general, the output of a process is only as interesting as its inputs. Where the data pulled in by a process is eventually available, parameters must be immediately available. When using our process in isolation, the parameters are limited to the information literally at our fingertips. If we are the only source of information, our software can only tell us variations on what we already know.

  • Contains some snippets of Clojure code that are extremely elegant (at least to my untrained eyes).

    • For example, here is a repl:

        (defn repl
          (loop []
            (-> (read)
    • For example, here is a handler in a web application:

        (defn handler [request]
          (-> request
  • Aim of the book can be summarized in the first paragraph:

    This book tries to put words to what most experienced programmers already know. This is necessary because, in the words of Michael Polanyi, "we can know more than we can tell." Our design choices are not the result of an ineluctable chain of logic; they come from a deeper place, one which is visceral and inarticulate.

Specific Takeaways


  • Names should be narrow and consistent.

    • A narrow name clearly exclude things it cannot represent.

    • A consistent name is easily understood by someone familiar with the surrounding code, the problem domain, etc.

  • Name can be used as a layer of indirection, separating the what from the how.

  • Terminologies:

    • The textual representation of a name is its sign.

    • The thing referred to by the name is its referent.

    • The way a sign references the referent is called the sense of the name. Put another way, sense is how a referent is referenced by the name.

    • To illustrate the above: if two persons communicating with each other are using the same name (i.e., the sign) to refer to the thing (i.e., the referent), but makes different assumption about the thing, then they have different understanding of the sense.

      • E.g., two software architects might be using the phrase "event-driven" to describe using Kafka to facilitate passing messages between different services; however, one of them might be thinking of an event-sourced approach, whereas the other is thinking of a simple message-brokering system.

  • For example, consider the situation where our application needs to generate and represent unique identifiers, and we decide to use UUIDs, which are randomly generated 128-bit values.

    • We can make the following two statements:

      1. Our unique identifiers are unique.

      2. Our unique identifiers are 128-bit values.

    • While the first statement is true, the second is only true for our chosen implementation (i.e., using UUIDs).

    • Applying the terminologies above:

      • Our sign is the identifier, perhaps named id.

      • The referent is the thing being pointed to, in our case it is the UUID implementation.

      • The sense is the set of fundamental properties we ascribe to it: in this case, the identifier's uniqueness (and not that the identifier is a 128-bit value).

    • When we encounter a new name, we only need to understand its sense.

      • A narrow name reveals its sense. But narrow doesn't necessarily mean specific; a specific name captures most of an implementation, while a general name captures only a small part.

      • An overly general name obscures fundamental properties and invites breaking changes.

      • An overly specific exposes the underlying implementation, making it difficult to change or ignore the incidental details.

  • Finding good names is difficult, so wherever possible, we should avoid trying. For example, if composing existing functions are sufficiently clear, there is no need to extract a variable in order to give it a name.

  • If a function has grown unwieldy, but you can't think of any good names for its pieces, leave it be. Perhaps the names will come to you in time.

    Naming Data

  • When finding names, consider the following:

    • Whether to use natural names or synthetic names. Natural names (e.g., "student" will have analogue in the real world and allow unfamiliar readers to reason by analogy. However, this also leads to ambiguity and such names generally have a range of possible meaning. Synthetic names (e.g., "monad") will be incomprehensible to novice, but allows communication without ambiguity.

    • How deep into the code is the name being used. One can expect the surface layer of the code to be read by a greater audience with less familiarity with the code. Whereas within deeper layers, the one can assume that the reader either has already gained familiarity with the surrounding code, or is willing to do so.

    • Where is there name used: As a variable declaration where the both the left- and right-hand side of the assignment is controlled by the programmer? As the function parameter name where only the name and possibly type is within control (in which case the function may also consider validating the arguments passed in)? etc.

      Naming Functions


  • What is indirection:

    Indirection provides separation between what and how. It exists wherever "how does this work?" is best answered, "it depends." This separation is useful when the underlying implementation is complicated or subject to change. It gives us the freedom to change incidental details in our software while maintaining its essential qualities. It also defines the layers of our software; indirection invites the reader to stop and explore no further. It tells us when we're allowed to be incurious.

    What is an Abstraction

  • Abstraction must be considered within the environment which it exists in.

    A Model for Modules

  • Most software abstractions take the form of a module, which consists of a model, an interface, and an environment.

  • The model is a collection of data and functions. The interface is the means by which the model and environment interact. The environment is everything else: other software components, the users, and the world they exist in.

  • Everything that the model does not reflect represents an assumption that these missing facets are either fixed or irrelevant. If a model can represent invalid states, it must enforce invariants that preclude those states.

  • When an assumption underlying an abstraction is no longer valid, we have 3 options:

    1. Grow the model to take into account the assumption (or create another layer of abstraction to ensure the assumption is valid),

    2. Come up with conventions to ensure the assumption is valid,

    3. Ignore the problem—i.e., fire the customer, and say that our component is never intended to be used in such situations where the assumption is not valid.

  • Abstractions that fail together should stay together.

    Systems of Modules

  • It is useful to think for systems as being principled or adaptable.

    • A principled system is one where the components are designed for very specific purpose and are thus highly dependent. This allows the components to be highly optimized. Components in a principled system is also generally organized in a hierarchy (e.g., top-down), and allows for incremental understanding of the system (e.g., understand the top level, and going deeper only as necessary).

    • An adaptive system is one where the components are independent of each other, generally organized in a graph. Such systems thus usually require exhaustive exploration of the entire system to understand where and/or how things are done.

  • One helpful way to structure systems is in a layered approach:

    • An adaptive system with principled components.

    • At the same time, the adaptive top-layer shields the principled components from changes in the environment and from other principled components.

    • When a principled component has outlived its usefulness, it can simply be replaced without affecting other principled components.

    • However, the size of principled components must be carefully controlled. If the principled components are too big, then they become too expansive to replace. If the principled components are too small, then the adaptive layer requires a lot more "glue code" to make sure the principled components work together (and remember this "glue code" of the adaptive layer generally must be understood in its entirety because it is arranged in a graph structure as opposed to being hierarchical).

  • The advice from the author is:

    We should build our software from principled components wherever possible, separated by interfaces where necessary. Modules that share common assumptions should live in the same component, and modules with dissimilar assumptions should be kept separate. This keeps the effects of changes small and predictable.


  • Definition:

    Composition is the combination of separate abstractions to create a new abstraction.

  • The ultimate goal of software composition is to define processes that pull data from the environment, transform that data, and push the result back into their environment.

    A Unit of Computation

  • A unit of computation can be defined as the smallest piece of code that does something useful on its own.

  • Processes provide some data and/or execution isolation

  • Consider the use of words "pushing" and "pulling" in describing a process's operation with respect to data—even though the words suggest a one-sided act from the process itself, such operations generally still require bidirectional communication.

    • E.g., to pull data, a process must send information about what data it wishes to receive, or at least signal that it is ready to receive more information over a pre-existing channel.

    • E.g., to push data, a process must confirm that downstream processes have the capacity to process this new data.

  • Consider the function below to register a callback within a hypothetical frontend application:

      (on-click refresh-button
                (fn []
                   (fn [data]
                     (update-dom data)))))
    • It is not a single process, but rather a mechanism that spawns processes. Each time the call back is triggered, process starts, executes once, and exits.

    • If we were to prevent concurrent operations by disabling the button, then it becomes a single process (since a second process cannot be started until the first is done):

        (on-click refresh-button
                  (fn []
                    (disable! refresh-button)
                     (fn [data]
                       (update-dom data)
                       (enable! refresh-button)))))
  • Execution Model

    • An execution model describes what our processes do when its environment provides too much or too little. For example, when downstream service is unavailable, our process will retry with exponential backoff.

    • Queues couple the execution of processes.

      • If no limit is placed on how long processes using the queue will wait to push or pull data, then the processes cannot be understood separately, and they will share a single execution model.

      • If we allow an execution model to span too many processes, it will quickly exceed our understanding.

  • It is sometimes helpful to think in terms of process boundaries vs abstraction boundaries.

    • Leaky abstractions are fine, so long as they sit within a principled component that shares their assumptions. For example, if our code is meant to load a configuration in its entirety into memory, it is alright to use a sort function that assumes that the input is below certain size.

      • Note: In this case, one leaky abstraction is the fact that the sort function implicitly assumes the input size is below a certain size, and this assumption leaks to the surrounding code. However, the leakage is alright because the whole principled component (i.e., the application's whose config file the code is reading) shares that assumption.

    • On the other hand, leaky processes (i.e., processes that make implicit assumptions that cannot be guaranteed) are dangerous.

      Building a Process

      Pulling Data
  • It generally makes sense to cleanly decouple the logic for pulling data from the logic that transforms data. This allows us to deal with the errors that may occur while pulling the data separately. Such errors may include IO errors, resource-related errors, etc.

  • In the author's original words:

    In a robust process, the pull phase should invoke the transform phase. This gives us greater flexibility in how we respond to errors; different scenarios may call for different kinds of transforms. If our pull phase simply yields a lazy-seq, this relationship is inverted, and our control flow is greatly constrained.

    Transforming Data
  • The three main things that we do to data are as follows:

    1. accreting the data by adding it to an existing collection,

    2. redicing the data by discarding information from an existing collection, and

    3. reshaping data by placing it in a different kind of collection.

  • When designing APIs, we should consider avoiding implicit reshaping of data: if the function that we are designing requires a particular type, it should demand that type to allow others to judge whether the function is a good fit for their problem.

  • We should try to keep our accretions and reductions separate (where possible).

    Pushing Data
  • Output data is also a description of what to do next:

    The output of the transform phase is not just data, but rather a descriptor of the side effects that the process should perform.

  • For example, the output data below specifies the URL to hit, whether to follow redirects (yes), and how many times to do that:

      {:url               "http://example.com"
       :method            :post
       :body              "hello world!"
       :follow-redirects? true
       :max-redirects     99}
  • Sometimes instead of returning data in a raw representation, it might make sense to instead return a function wrapped over the data.

    • Note however that:

      A function cannot be reduced or reshaped; it can only accrete. By exchanging a string for a [function that acts on the output data directly], we gain semantics but lose almost everything else. We should seek to delay this as long as possible.

  • It is useful to compose a process with operational phases at the edges and a functional phase in the middle.

    • The operational phases guard against unexpected behaviors found in production. Such operational phases interact with the environment in production and enforce invariants on how the environment can affect the process. Because it is generally not feasible / impossible to predict and simulate the unexpected behaviors in production, the only true test is to deploy the process and see what happens.

    • If the operational phases are well-crafted, they allow us to test the functional phase in isolation.

      Composing Processes

  • A process is generally a blackbox—we cannot directly affect the internals nor see what is happening within. What we can do is to share data with the process and wait for it the share some data back.

    • For example:

        cat moons | grep 'callisto' | less
  • To work with processes, we generally assign each process an identifier to interact with them via the identifiers, and / or communicate with the processes via a channel.

  • To manage the identifiers assigned to various processes, we use strategies like:

    • resolution: akin to DNS resolution where there is a one-to-many mapping of identifier to processes, and also allow for other operations like load-balancing,

    • discovery: having mechanism to fetch a list of processes able to provide a particular service,

    • using a router: which provides indirection by exposing a single channel and distributing the data on that channel across multiple processes. One example of a router is a thread pool, where functions are placed on a shared queue and distributed to threads which execute them (Yong Jie: This example might be slightly flawed because we are distributing functions across CPU threads, and not data across processes; but the idea is similar.)

To Internalize Now

  • Things I should put into my day-to-day toolbox include:

    • When designing functions / components, think in terms of pulling, transforming and pushing data.

    • When designing components / systems, think in terms of principled components surrounded by adaptive system.

    • When naming, consider not just the sign and the referrent, but also the sense that I want the reader to have.

    • When designing abstractions, think about what assumptions I'm making, and how are these assumptions valid / invalid in view of the current and future environments.

To Learn/Do Soon

  • Figure out how to conceptually split the application(s) that I'm working on into:

    • Operational and functional phases (see earlier sections above for brief description of what are these)

    • Pulling Data / Transforming Data / Pushing Data

To Revisit When Necessary


  • Refer to this section for a list of Clojure-specific idioms when I'm actually writing Clojure code.

Composition - Building a Process

  • The author described briefly that processes provides (some) data isolation and (some) execution isolation. I have yet to fully grasp what he is trying to say.

Other Resources Referred To

  • These book referred to many other interesting conceptual / philosophical materials. Do consult the references when I feel like reading such stuff.