Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming (1st Edition)

Book Details

  • Full Title: Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming (1st Edition)

  • Author: Luciano Ramalho

  • ISBN/URL: 978-1-491-9-46008

  • Reading Period: 2020.05.15-2020.06.17

  • Source: Googl-ing for advanced books on Python

General Review

  • An excellent book on the Python programming langugae, going into the necessary details to understand various language feature. Any Python programmer will be well-served having read this book.

  • The "Further Readings" section of each chapter generally provides many useful links for a greater understanding on the topics (and related topics) covered in the chapter. The author also very helpful points out how each of the further reading are relevant.

Specific Takeaways

Chapter 2 - An Array of Sequences

  • Instances of NamedTuple takes exactly the same amount of memory as plain tuples because the field names are stored in the class. They use less memory than regular objects because they don't use per-instance __dict__ to store attributes.

  • It is useful to know about Slice objects even if I'm not implementing my own class, because I can assign names to Slice objects to make slicing operations much clearer.

    • For example:

        a_list = range(7)
        every_other = Slice(None, None, 2)
        sum(a_list[every_other]) # Returns 9, being the sum of 1, 3, and 5
  • To really understand what is happening in Python, analyze the bytecode by using dis.dis(my_func), and referencing https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html

    • Note: In the link above, TOS means top-of-stack, TOS1 means item indexed 1 from top-of-stack (i.e., second item from top-of-stack).

    • Note: In the link above, the number immediately to the left of the opname is the "memory location" of the instruction. From python 3.6 onwards, each instruction take two bytes, so the numbers should be 0, 2, 4, …

  • Raymond Hettinger has a SortedCollection class providing a simple API for common use cases of bisect.bisect and related methods: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577197-sortedcollection/

  • Use array.array when a leaner data structure is required than standard list.

    • array.array supports array.tofile and array.fromfile that are fast and easy to use.

  • memoryview class is useful for creating a shared-memory sequence type, that allows if reinterpreting the underlying bytes and modifying them in place.

  • To keep a sequence sorted when inserting items, use bisect.insort.

Chapter 3 - Dictionary and Sets

  • dict can be constructed in many ways:

    • Passing keyword arguments to dict()

    • Using literal notation with {key: value}

    • Passing an iterable of key-value pairs to dict(zip(keys, values))

    • Passing a dict to dict()

  • d.setdefault(k, [default]) will return the value pointed to by key k if k exists, otherwise, it will set k to default, and return default.

  • collections.ChainMap is used by the Python interpreter internally for resolution of attribute access etc. progressively through the scope hierarchy by chaining together the scope dictionaries, starting from the innermost scope.

Chapter 4 - Text vs Bytes

  • General background on the few common encodings (content below taken directly from the book):

    • latin1 (AKA iso8859_1)

      • Important because it is the basis for other encodings, such as cp1252 and Unicode itself (note how the latin1 byte values appear in the cp1252 bytes and even in the code points).

    • cp1525

      • A latin1 superset by Microsoft, adding useful symbols like curly quotes and the € (euro); some Windows apps call it “ANSI,” but it was never a real ANSI standard.

    • cp427

      • The original character set of the IBM PC, with box drawing characters. Incompat‐ ible with latin1 , which appeared later.

    • gb2312

      • Legacy standard to encode the simplified Chinese ideographs used in mainland China; one of several widely deployed multibyte encodings for Asian languages.

    • utf-8

      • The most common 8-bit encoding on the Web, by far; backward-compatible with ASCII (pure ASCII text is valid UTF-8).

    • utf-16

      • One form of the UTF-16 16-bit encoding scheme; all UTF-16 encodings support code points beyond U+FFFF through escape sequences called “surrogate pairs.”

  • The BOM is either \xff\xfe (little-endian) or \xfe\xff (big-endian).

    • BOM is actually only relevant for UTF-16 or UTF-32, which uses more than one byte per code point.

    • However, BOM are commonly seen in UTF-8 files, where it is the three character sequence \xef\xbb\xbf.

  • Comparing unicode strings:

    • There are four ways of normalizing unicode strings in Python:

      • unicodedata.normalize('NFC', a_unicode_string)

        • Certain characters may be represented by a single code point, but may also be composed using two code points (e.g., the e with an accent in cafe). The NFC normalization will normalize the code points to produce the shortest equivalent string.

        • Think of the C in NFC as "compose".

        • Certain single characters are also normalized to the same characters (e.g., the electrical symbol for ohm is normalized to the Greek uppercase omega).

      • unicodedata.normalize('NFD', a_unicode_string)

        • This does the opposite of NFC by breaking down code points into the longest equivalent string.

        • Think of the D in NFD as "decompose".

      • unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', a_unicode_string)

        • This is a stronger form of normalization that will convert single code points like the ½ (the 1/2 fraction as a single character using code point U+00BD) to "1/2".

        • This may be useful in circumstances like text searches (users searching for "1/2" would likely want to get results for ½ too).

        • However this form of normalization also results in changes in the meaning of the text because the "4²" (four raised to the power of two, with a superscript 2 character) will be normalized to "42".

      • unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', a_unicode_string)

        • This is the opposite of NFKD.

    • Casefolding

      • str.casefold() is a unicode-aware version of essentially converting string to lower case. Note that German Eszett or "sharp s" (ß) becomes "ss".

    • Generally, when doing case-insensitive comparision of unicode string, use the NFC normalization with the casefold() method.

    • Taking Out Diacritics

      • Sometimes it might be better to remove diacritics. For example, the URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sao_Paulo is likely clearly than http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Paulo for the city São Paulo.

      • This can be achieved by using unicodedata.normalize('NFD', a_unicode_string) to decompose all characters into base characters and combining marks, removing the combining marks (optionally, only removing the combining marks if they apply to a latin1 base character, because no point removing the accent on έ since the resultant ε is beyond the ascii range of characters anyway), and normalizing it back using NFC.

    • Sorting unicode strings:

      • Generally, the accent characters does not affect the alphabetical order, but normal string comparison will treat them very differently.

      • Sensible unicode sorting may be achieved by using locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, 'pt_BR.UTF-8'). The second argument is the relevant locale. Note however that this requires that the locale implementation on the OS correctly handles sorting.

      • An alternative is to use the PyUCA library

Chapter 5 - First-Class Functions

  • The inspect module allows convenient introspection of functions, allowing IDE and tools to provide helpful hints etc.

  • The itemgetter(), attrgetter() and methodcaller() functions from the operator package are useful in certain aspect when using the "functional paradigm", e.g., when passed as arguments to reduce, map, or comprehensions.

Chapter 6 - Design Patterns with First-Class Functions

  • The existence of first-class functions often eliminates the need to create a full-fledge class that are common is the design patterns of many other languages.

Chapter 7 - Function Decorators and Closures

  • global works by preventing the inner function scope from declaring a new variable, hence any attempt to set the variable with the same name will affect the global variable.

  • nonlocal is similar to the use of global, save that instead of allowing a function to modify global variable, it allow an inner function to access the scope in the outer function (usually referred to as a closure).

  • A function's scope and closure can be inspected using a_function.__code__.co_freevars and the contents of a_function.__closure__.

  • nonlocal is useful when creating decorators, which by their very nature relies on nested functions.

  • functools.singledispatch decorator allows definition of separate methods that will be called using the same attribute name, depending on the type of the first argument passed in.

    • This is similar to method overloading, save that the choice of actual method depends only on the type of the first argument passed in, as opposed to the full method signature.

Chapter 8 - Object References, Mutability, and Recycling

  • It may be more helpful to think of variable names as labels, and not boxes.

    • Think of the variable being assigned to the object, as opposed to the object being assigned to the variable. If we consider the assignment operation, this is also accurate because the right-hand side is evaluated first (and the object created) before the assignment occurs.

  • Use the built-in function id() to check for object ID.

  • The copy module provides copy() and deepcopy() functions for shallow and deep copying respectively. deepcopy() is able to handle recursive / self-referencing objects.

  • The only mode of parameter passing in Python is call by sharing (similar in some ways to pass by reference). In essence, each function parameter becomes an alias of the actual arguments, and the same general behaviours apply:

    • Mutating a list via an alias mutates the same list when accessed using the original variable.

    • Assign to an alias makes it an alias of something else, without affecting the original variable.

    • Augmented operators on the alias may affect the original variable if the underlying object is mutable.

  • The del statement deletes names, and not the underlying object. As such, the underlying object will only become eligible for garbage collection when del is called on the last variable referencing the object.

  • In an interactive console section, the _ special variable holds the result of the previous output.

Chapter 9 - A Pythonic Object

  • As much as possible, when defining a class, ensure that when repr() is called on an instance, it outputs a string that creates the same instance if passed to eval().

  • In the __init__() method, simple validation can be done using constructors like float() (as in self.x = float(arg_x)), and constructor of list / tuple may be done using list() / tuple() respectively.

  • Classmethod is a good way to define alternative constructors.

  • The __format__() method on a class is actually an alternative to __str__() and __repr__(), and will be automatically called when using the built-in format() or when called as "a_string_with_formatting_charactors".format().

  • Attributes with two preceding underscores will be automatically manged by the Python interpretor to prevent shadowing by subclasses.

  • Defining a __slots__ class attribute will reduce the memory footprint for each instance created, but the instance cannot have additional attributes defined on it thereafter. This is because __slots__ will replace __dict__.

    • __slots__ is not inherited in subclasses.

    • Instances cannot be target of weak references unless '__weakref__' is included in slots.

Chapter 10 - Sequence Hacking, Hashing, and Slicing

  • Slicing works by creating a slice object and passing it to the object's __getitem__() method.

Chapter 11 - Interfaces: From Protocols to ABCs

  • isinstance() checks should generally be used together with abstract base classes or str, the latter because it is currently the only way to distinguish a string from other immutable sequence, which is useful when designing an API that can accept either a string or a list of strings.

  • There is generally no need to define new abstract base classes, unless I am authoring a new framework, and need to provide a hierarchy of classes with specific APIs for users to subclass and plug back into the framework.

  • Besides directly subclassing from an abstract base class, it is also possible to:

    • Call the register() method (or use it as an decorator) on a abstract base class with another class to register that other class as a virtual subclass of the abstract base class.

    • Define a classmethod __subclasshook__() on the abstract base class that will receive a type and returns True if that type is a subclass.

Chapter 12 - Inheritance: For Good or For Worse

  • When subclassing built-in types, the code of the built-in (written in C) may not call the special methods overwritten by user-defined classes.

  • Python supports multiple inheritance. Where the diamond problem exists, resolution may depend on the order the parent classes are listed in the subclass's definition.

  • Some guidelines for dealing with multiple inheritance:

    • Distinguish interface inheritance from implementation inheritance

      • The latter is an implementation detail, and can often be replaced by composition and delegation.

    • Make interfaces explicit with ABCs (abstract base classes)

    • Use mixins for code reuse

      • A mixin should never be instantiated.

      • A concrete class should never inherit only from a mixin.

    • Make mixins explicit by naming

    • An ABC may also be a mixin; the reverse is not true

    • Don't subclass from more than one concrete class

    • Provide aggregate classes to users

      • An aggregate class in a convenience class with a commonly used set of inheritance from a concrete class and one or more mixins.

    • "Favor Object Composition Over Class Inheritance."

Chapter 13 - Operator Overloading: Doing It Right

  • Python allows operator overloading, but with certain constraints:

    • We cannot overload operators for built-in types

    • We cannot create new operators, only overload existing ones

    • A few operators cannot be overloaded: is, and, or, and not

  • Unary operators can be overloaded by implementing __neg__() for -, __pos__() for +, and __invert__() for ~.

Chapter 14 - Iterables, Iterators, and Generators

  • While iterators are iterable, iterables are not iterators. It is important to keep this distinction in mind:

    • A class that is designed to support iteration (i.e., the class is iterable) should not be made an iterator itself. Instead, a generator function should be defined. This is because if the class itself is made an iterator, it would not be able to support multiple traversals: if user call iter() multiple times on the class, the behaviour might vary depending on which iterator is being iterated on first, whether another iter() call was made halfway into the iteration of an earlier iterator obtained from an earlier iter() call, etc.

  • The re module has a finditer() method that provides a generator over regex matches.

  • When passing generator expressions as the sole arguments to a function, the surrounding parentheses may be omitted.

  • The yield from expression allows an iterable to delegate to a sub-iterable. The following two blocks of code are equivalent:

      # list(chain([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']) --> [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c']
      # for either function below
      def chain(*iterables):
        for it in iterables:
          for i in it:
            yield i
      def chain(*iterables):
        for it in iterables:
          yield from it

Chapter 15 - Context Managers and else Blocks

  • The __enter__() method is invoked when entering a with block, and the __exit__() method is invoked when exiting the with block.

    • Any object returned by the __enter__() method may be bound to a variable by using the as keyword.

    • Note: The __exit__() is always invoked on the context manager object itself, and not the object returned by the __enter__() block.

    • The __exit__() method will be passed any exception information, and can signal to the interpreter that it has handled the exception by returning True.

  • The @contextlib.contextmanager decorator allows creation of context managers using generators.

    • The yield statement in the generator should be wrapped in try-except-finally block for error handling. In particular, the finally block is what ensures resource release even when there is an exception raised within the body of the context manager.

Chapter 16 - Coroutines

  • [Coroutines are no longer the recommended way to write asynchronous code in Python.]

Chapter 17 - Concurrency with Futures

  • Use concurrent.futures.as_completed() to retrieve Future instances as they complete (finished or cancelled).

    • The Future instances may be created by different concurrent.futures.Executor instances.

  • All standard library functions that perform blocking I/O release the GIL when waiting for a result from the OS.

  • A useful idiom when writing futures code is to create a mapping of futures instances to any corresponding data, so that the data may be retrieved when the futures instances complete (finished or cancelled).

    • For example:

        futures_map = {}
        for param in params:
          future = executor.submit(target_task, *param)
          futures_map[future] = param
        for completed in futures.as_completed(futures_map):
            result = completed.result()
            # Do something with the result
          except SomeException:
            param = futures_map[completed] # Retrieve corresponding data
            print('Error running target_task with parameters:', param)

Chapter 18 - Concurrency with asyncio

  • Commandline "animation" can be achieved by moving the cursor backwards using \x08 and writing over the existing output.

  • Python threads cannot be terminated directly. This is by design. To terminate threads, a signal is sent to the thread (e.g., through a shared global variable).

    • For coroutines, the Task.cancel() instance method may be used, and it raises a CancelledError within the coroutine.

    • The difference is (partly) due to the fact that threads might be suspended at any point, and cancelling such thread might lead to inconsistent states. Whereas coroutines are only suspended on yield statements etc., and have the opportunity to catch the CancelledError.

  • time.sleep() blocks the thread, but Python will release the GIL, allowing other threads to execute. As such, this may only be used when concurrency is achieved using threads, as opposed to using coroutines.

    • For coroutines, use asyncio.sleep()

  • Concurrency with coroutines is generally easier compared to concurrency with threads. This is because for threads, the scheduler may interrupt the thread at any time, including halfway through a multi-step operation. As such, locks must be used to prevent other parts of the programs from interfering with such threads suspended on multistep operation. On the other hand, coroutines will run until the next yield, yield from or await, when it explicitly wants to give up control.

  • asyncio library doesn't contain file related operations (at least when the book was written) because there is no stable and portable asynchronous file handling api across different operating systems.

    • An option to do asynchronous file I/O with asyncio library is to get the default event loop, and use run_in_executor() on the event loop to schedule the file I/O in the default thread pool. See Example 18-9 for reference.

  • An asyncio.Semaphore can be used to limit the number of concurrent coroutines.

  • Note that the futures returned from asyncio.as_completed() are not necessarily the same futures passed into the asyncio.as_completed() call; as such, it is not possible to use an earlier mapping of futures to corresponding data.

    • An alternative is to have the futures raise an exception, and pass the data using the exception. (Assuming the data is required for exception handling.)

  • When using asyncio instead of ThreadPoolExecutor, one must take special care to spot any I/O operations that will block the thread in order to avoid performance issue. This is because in asyncio code, one thread is shared by the event loop and all futures instances, whereas in ThreadPoolExecutor, there is are other available worker threads.

    • Such blocking I/O operations should be hived off to a thread by first calling loop = asyncio.get_event_loop(), followed by loop.run_in_executor(None, blocking_func, \*args).

Chapter 19 - Dynamic Attributes and Properties

  • The __new__() method is the one responsible for actually creatiing the object in the instantiation process. The object created by __new__() is what will be passed to __init__(), provided certain conditions are fulfilled (i.e., that the instance created by __new__() is of the same type of the class on which __new__() is defined.

    • The __new__() method can be used to handle instance construction when different types will be returned depending on the argument passed to cls(the_argument) (e.g., depending on the actual argument, it may create an instance of cls, a sequence of instances of cls, or a plain Python object).

  • The shelve module provides key-value object database backed by the dbm module, and works with pickle module for simple persistence.

  • The def __init__(self, \**kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) idiom allows creation of instances with attributes created from keywords arguments.

  • Property in defined as class attributes, and cannot be shadowed by instance attributes.

    • instance.__dict__['some_key'] = some_value is used to directly set an attribute on the instance. However, the attribute will not shadow a property defined on the class, and must be accessed using __dict__ too (unless the property defined on the class is deleted / replaced).

Chapter 20 - Attribute Descriptors

  • Descriptor class is a class implementing the description protocol: __set__(), __get__(), and/or __delete__().

  • Managed class is a class with descriptor instances declared as class attributes.

  • Managed instances are instances of the managed class. Attribute access on the managed instance might be handled by a descriptor instance if the attribute in question is declared on the class with a descriptor instance.

  • Descriptors may be overriding or non-overriding:

    • Overriding: __set__() is implemented, and any assignment to the managed attribute on a managed instance will trigger __set__(). No shadowing will occur even if __dict__ is used to directly set an attribute with the same name as the managed attribute.

    • Non-overriding: __set__() is not implemented, and any assignment to the managed attribute will result in shadowing: the assignment will result in an new entry in __dict__ which will shadow the managed attribute, even if __get__() is implemented.

      • Methods in Python are implemented as non-overriding descriptors.

  • Descriptor usage tips:

    • Use property to keep things simple: The property built-in provides default implementation of both __get__() and __set__(). The default __set__() raises an AttributeError indicating that the attribute is read-only.

    • Read-only descriptors require __set__(); otherwise the managed attribute might be shadowed.

    • Validation descriptors can work with __set__() only.

    • Caching can be done efficiently with __get__() only.

    • Nonspecial methods can be shadowed by instance attributes.

Chapter 21 - Class Metaprogramming

  • A class decorator works similarly as a normal function decorator, but an added consideration is what happens for inherited classes.

  • type() can be used to create classes: type(name, bases, dict), where name is a string representing the name of the class, bases is a tuple representing the base classes (i.e., inheritance hierarchy), and dict is a dictionary representing the namespace containing definitions for class body and is copied to a standard dictionary to become the __dict__ attribute.

    • type() is called by the interpreted to construct classes when classes are defined.

    • As such, metaclasses much inherit from type, and implement the __init__() method.

  • The __prepare__() special method of a metaclass enable usage of a custom mapping type for the last argument in the __init__() method in the metaclass. One potential application is to use __prepare__() to return an OrderedDict so that the attributes may be accessed in __init__() in the order they are declared in the source code.

To Internalize Now

Chapter 9 - A Pythonic Object

  • When defining a class / adding features to a class, spend time considering how I can leverage Python's default object model. For example, by defining __getattr__() and __setattr__(), I can use random.shuffle() on an instance of the object.

Chapter 15 - Context Managers and else Blocks

  • Remember to use else blocks in the following circumstances:

    • Running a certain block of code only when while and for loops run to completion and are not broken out of.

    • Move statements from the try block into the else block to make it clear which statement(s) will raise the exception that is relevant to the particular try-except block.

To Learn/Do Soon

  • Read Python Cookbook by Brian Jones and David Beazley for useful Python recipes.

    Chapter 14 - Iterables, Iterators, and Generators

  • The standard library itertools provides many useful generator functions. Such functions may be combined to create powerful, simple and performant iterables:

    • For example, using takewhile() and count(), it is possible to create an arithmetic progression of any numeric type (see example 14-13).

  • I should review the list of available built-in generators whenever I find myself building some complex loop processing logic.

    Chapter 15 - Context Managers and else Blocks

  • The else keyword may be used after a for block, try-except block or while block:

    • When used after a for block, the statements in the else block will only be executed when the for loop is not broken out of prematurely.

    • When used after a try-except block, the statements in else block will only be executed if no exceptions were raised.

    • When used afer a while block, the statements in the else block will only be executed if the while block is not broken out of prematurely (i.e., the statements will only be executed when loop end because the condition becomes falsy).

To Revisit When Necessary

Chapter 9 - A Pythonic Object

  • Refer to this chapter when creating an object to understand how to define the essential methods to leverage on Python's object model.

Chapter 10 - Sequence Hacking, Hashing, and Slicing

  • See example 10-2 on how to make use of reprlib.repr() in the __repr__() method of user-defined classes to produce representations that uses ... if there are too many items to be displayed.

  • See example 10-6 on how to create an object that can be sliced.

  • See example 10-12 on how to define custom hash function using reduce() and operator.xor.

Chapter 11 - Interfaces: From Protocols to ABCs

  • Refer to figure 11-3 for an UML diagram of the abstract base classes in collections.abc.

Chapter 12 - Inheritance: For Good or For Worse

  • Refer to this chapter when designing a hierarchy of classes.

Chapter 13 - Operator Overloading: Doing It Right

  • Refer to this chapter when overloading operators to understand the contract to abide by (e.g., returning NotImplemented to allow the interpreter to use __radd__() of the type on the right of the + operator.

  • Overloaded operators should generally return a new item, save for augmented assignment operators of mutable types.

  • functools.total_ordering is a decorator that automatically supplies the rest of the rich comparison odering method, provided that the decorator class define __eq__(), and one of __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__() or __ge__().

Chapter 15 - Context Managers and else Blocks

Chapter 18 - Corcurrency with asyncio

  • Refer to example 18-7 and 18-8 for one use case of the semaphore.

Appendix A - Support Scripts

  • Support script for chapter 3 demonstrates how to use timeit.repeat() to profile how fast the code runs.

  • Support script for chapter 9 demonstrates how to use resource.getusage() to profile how much memory the code uses.

  • Support script for chapter 14 demonstrates a trick of using setdefault(key_that_may_not_exist, []) on a dict to obtain a list to be built upon.

Other Resources Referred To

Chapter 6 - Design Patterns with First-Class Functions

  • The further reading sections made reference to various resources on Python design patterns.

Chapter 15 - Context Managers and else Blocks

Chapter 16 - Coroutines

  • Refer to this chapter when I need to decipher asynchronous code written in this older coroutine style.

Chapter 17 - Concurrency with Futures

  • For a more in-depth treatment of concurrent programming in Python, refer to "Parallel Programming with Python" (Packt), by Jan Palach.

  • For a modern take on concurrency, "Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks", by Paul Butcher (Pragmatic Bookshelf) is recommended by the author as an excellent read.

Chapter 18 - Concurrency with asyncio

Chapter 21 Class Metaprogramming

  • Putting Metaclasses to Work: a New Dimension in Object-Oriented Programming, by Ira R. Forman and Scott H. Danforth (Addison-Wesley, 1998)

    • Received 5 stars review by Guide van Rossum

      Too bad this is out of print; I keep referring to it as the best tutorial I know for the difficult subject of cooperative multiple inheritance, supported by Python via the super() function.

  • Machine Beauty by David Gelernter (Basic Books)

    • Described by the author as an intriguing short book about elegance and aesthetics in works of engineering, from bridges to software.
