Java Concurrency in Practice
Book Details
Full Title: Java Concurrency in Practice
Author: Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, Doug Lea
ISBN/URL: 978-0-321-34960-6
Reading Period: 2021.03.04–2021.04
Source: Recommendations from many sources.
General Review
While the book is tailored to Java, the discussions on multi-threaded programming and synchronization primitives are generally applicable to programming in general.
Littered throughout the books are sentences and paragraphs surrounded by a border. These sections contain concise tips / best practices that summarizes the immediately preceding section(s).
/Side note: Take note of a quirk of layout in the book where the code listing is sometimes presented a page or two after the relevant paragraph describing it, and often times under the next section header./
Specific Takeaways
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Thread-safety can be thought of a guaranteeing "nothing bad ever happens", and liveness can be thought of as "some good eventually happens"
Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 2 - Thread Safety
The primary mechanism for synchronization in Java is the
keyword, which provides exclusive locking, but the term "synchronization" also includes the use ofvolatile
variables, explicit locks, and atomic variables. -
Three ways to ensure "thread safety":
Don't share the variable used for maintaining state across threads
Make the variable immutable
Use synchronization whenever accessing the variable
Pragmatic definition of thread safety:
A class is thread-safe if it behaves correctly when accessed from multiple threads, regardless of the scheduling or interleaving of the execution of those threads by the runtime environment, and with no additional synchronization or other coordination on the part of the calling code.
Classic examples of non-atomic operations include:
read-modify-write operations (i.e., the resulting state is derived from the previous state)
Race Condition occurs when the correctness of a computation depends on the relative timing or interleaving of multiple threads by the runtime.
Example of race conditions:
check-then-act operations (because the thing that is checked could have become invalid between the time we observed it and the time we acted on it)
Operations A and B are atomic with respect to each other if, from the perspective of a thread executing A, when another thread executes B, either all of B has executed or none if it has. An atomic operation is one that is atomic with respect to all operations, including itself, that operate on the same state.
One way to ensure atomicity in certain read-modify-write circumstances is to use the classes in
. -
Java's intrinsic locks (i.e., using the
keyword) are reentrant.-
This means that the same thread tries to acquires a lock that it already holds, the request succeeds.
Reentrancy facilitates certain object-oriented style of writing code. For example, if a subclass overrides a
method in the superclass, and the subclass's method calls the superclass's method, the would not be a deadlock since both methods succeeds in acquiring the lock.
When using locks to make a compound actions atomic, not only the compound actions themselves must be executed with the locks held; all access to the mutable various involved in the compound actions need to be guarded by locks to ensure atomicity.
Consider using the
annotation to documentation what lock is guarding which variable(s). -
Always keep the sections of code guarded by locks as small as possible to maximize concurrency.
Chapter 3 - Sharing Objects
In order to ensure visibility of memory writes across threads, we must use synchronization. Otherwise, there is no guarantee when or whether a variable written to by one thread will be visible to another thread.
Without synchronization, when reading a non-volatile 64-bit variable (e.g.,
), it is possible to get back the high 32 bits of one value and the low 32 bits of another values.-
*Even if we don't care about stale values, it is not safe to use shared mutable
variables in multi-threaded programs unless they are declaredvolatile
or guarded by a lock.*
*Locking is not just about mutual exclusion; it is also about memory visibility. To ensure that all threads see the most up-to-date values of shared mutable variables, the reading and writing threads must synchronize on a common lock.*
When a field is declared
, the compiler and runtime will not reorder operations in relating to the field, and will also not cache the field in registers or caches where the field is hidden from other processors, so a read of a volatile variable always return the most recent write by any thread. -
The authors do not recommend relying too heavily on volatile variables for visibility; code that relies on volatile variables for visibility of arbitrary state is more fragile and harder to understand than code that uses locking.
Debugging tip: For server applications, be sure to always use the
JVM command line switch, even for development and testing, as server JVM performs more optimization than client JVM, and that might involve hoisting variables out of a loop that are not modified in the loop. Such optimizations may break certain code. -
The most common use for volatile variables is as a completion, interruption, or status flag.
*Locking can guarantee both visibility and atomicity; volatile can only guarantee visibility."
We can use volatile variables only when the following criteria are met:
Writes to the variable do not depend on its current value, or we can ensure that only a single thread ever updates the value;
The variable does not participate in invariants with other state variables; and
Locking is not required for any other reason while the variable is being accessed.
Publication and Escape
Publishing an object means making it available to code outside of its current scope, such as by:
storing a reference to it where other code can find it,
returning it from a non-private method, or
passing it to a method in another class.
We generally want to ensure that objects and their internals are not published.
An object that is published when it should not have been is said to have escaped.
Concrete ways where objects might be published:
Storing in a static field on the class
By being a non-private field of an object that is published
Passing an object to an alien method is also considered publishing the object.
An alien method is one whose behavior is not fully specified its caller / its caller's containing class.
When publishing an internal class of that object. (This is because the internal class contains a hidden reference to the enclosing class.)
Thread Confinement
Thread Confinement is a simple way to achieve thread safety by ensuring data is only accessed from a single thread.
Ad-hoc Thread Confinement is when the responsibility for maintaining thread confinement falls entirely on the implementation.
Stack Confinement is where an object can only be reached through local variables. Such variables exists only on the executing thread's stack, and is thus not accessible to other threads.
provides a more formal means of maintaining thread confinement: the call to.get()
on aThreadLocal<MyClass>
object returns the thread local instance of the relevantMyClass
Immutable objects are automatically thread safe.
Final Fields
Generally, just as it is a good practice to make all fields
unless they need greater visibility, it is a good practice to make all fieldfinal
unless they need to be mutable. -
Immutability can sometimes offer a weak form of atomicity.
Race conditions in accessing or updating multiple related variables can be eliminated by using an immutable object to hold all variables. For example:
// OneValueCache is an immutable holder of lastNumber and lastFactors, // allowing "atomic" access to the two variables. @Immutable class OneValueCache { private final BigInteger lastNumber; private final BigInteger[] lastFactors; public OneValueCache(BigInteger i, BigInteger[] factors) { lastNumber = i; lastFactors = Arrays.copyOf(factors, factors.length); } public BigInteger[] getFactors(BigInteger i) { if (lastNumber == null || !lastNumber.equals(i)) return null; else return Arrays.copyOf(lastFactors, lastFactors.length); } } // VolatileCacheFactorizer achieves thread-safety by using a volatile // immutable object to contain all the state that needs to be changed // atomically. @ThreadSafe public class VolatileCacheFactorizer implements Servlet { private volatile OneValueCache cache = new OneValueCache(null, null); public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp) { BigInteger i = extractFromRequest(req); BigInteger[] factors = cache.getFactors(i); if (factors == null) { factors = factor(i); cache = new OneValueCache(i, factors); } encodeIntoResponse(resp, factors); } }
Safe Publication
Simply storing a reference to an object into a public field is not enough to publish the object safely:
// Unsafe publication public Holder holder; public void initialize() { holder = new Holder(42); }
Two things can go wrong with improperly published objects:
Other threads could see a stale value for the
field, and thus see anull
reference or other older value even though a value has been placed into theholder
. -
Other threads could see an up to date value for the
reference, but stale values for the state of theholder
Immutable objects can be safely accessed even when synchronization is not used to publish the object reference. For this guarantee of initialization to hold, all of the requirements for immutability must be met:
unmodifiable state
all fields are
proper construction
Safe Publication Idioms
To publish an object safely, both the reference to the object and the object's state must be made visible to other threads at the same time. A properly constructed object can be safely published by:
Initializing an object reference from a static initializer;
Storing a reference to it into a
field orAtomicReference
; -
Storing a reference to it into a
field of a properly constructed object; or -
Storing a reference to it into a field that is properly guarded by a lock.
Placing an object in a thread-safe collection (such as a
) fulfils that last three of the above requirements due to internal synchronization in such thread-safe collections. In particular, thread-safe collections offer the following safe publication guarantees:-
Placing a key or value in a
, orConcurrentMap
safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves from theMap
Placing an element in a
, orsynchronizedSet
safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the collection; -
Placing an element on a
safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from that queue.
Sharing Objects Safely
When we publish objects, we should document how the object can be accessed. Some of the more useful policies for using and sharing objects in a concurrent program are as follows:
Thread-confined. A thread-confined object is owned exclusively by and confined to one thread, and can be modified by its owning thread.
Shared read-only. A shared read-only object can be accessed concurrently by multiple threads without additional synchronization, but cannot be modified by any thread. Shared read-only objects include immutable and effectively immutable objects.
Shared thread-safe. A thread-safe object performs synchronization internally, so multiple threads can freely access it through its public interface without further synchronization.
Guarded. A guarded object can be accessed only with a specific lock held. Guarded objects include those that are encapsulated within other thread-safe objects and published objects that are known to be guarded by a specific lock.
Chapter 4 - Composing Objects
Design Process
The design process for a thread-safe class should include these three basic elements:
Identify the variables that form the object's state;
Includes the states of referenced objects.
Identify the invariants that constrain the state variables;
Establish a policy for managing concurrent access to the object's state.
I.e., what combination of immutability, thread confinement and locking is used to maintain thread-safety.
Gathering Synchronization Requirements
Be cognizant of possible states and also state transitions
Some states might be invalid (e.g., negative values in a counter)
Validity of state transitions may sometimes be verified by comparing the before and after states (e.g., if the after-state of a counter is
, the before-state must be17
) -
Not all state transitions are dependent on previous states (e.g., in a thermometer application, the state of the variable representing the current temperature is not determined by the previous state, it depends on the input from the measurement device)
If certain states or state transitions are invalid, then we need to encapsulate the underlying state variables in order to enforce the invariants, making sure the state is always valid.
On the other hand, if all states and state transitions are valid, we may be able to relax the encapsulation or serialization requirements.
*We cannot ensure thread safety without understanding an object's invariants and post-conditions. Constraints on the valid values or state transitions for state variables can create atomicity and encapsulation requirements.*
Other concepts to be aware when designing a thread-safe class is state-dependent operations and state ownership.
In relation to state-dependent operations, how do we ensure (or wait) until the precondition is satisfied?
In relation to state ownership, when we pass an object reference from an object to another, are we transferring ownership, engaging in a short-term loan, or envisioning long-term joint ownership?
Instance Confinement
Encapsulating data within an object confines access to the data to the object's methods, making it easier to ensure that the data is always accessed with the appropriate lock held.
Confined objects must not escape their intended scope.
/Aside: When considering between using Java intrinsic lock versus a private lock object, take note that using a private lock object encapsulates the lock so that client code cannot acquire it. This is not the case for intrinsic lock on the object, which is accessible to all code that have access to the object./
Example program using instance confinement and Java monitor lock (i.e., intrinsic lock on the instance object itself):
/* Example code showing a thread-safe MonitorVehicleTracker built on ,* top of non-thread-safe MutablePoint. */ /* Client code using an MonitorVehicleTracker instances. */ Map<String, Point> locations = vehicles.getLocations(); for (String key : locations.keySet()) renderVehicle(key, locations.get(key)); void vehicleMoved(VehicleMovedEvent evt) { Point loc = evt.getNewLocation(); vehicles.setLocation(evt.getVehicleId(), loc.x, loc.y); } /* Definition of the MonitorVehicleTracker class. */ @ThreadSafe public class MonitorVehicleTracker { @GuardedBy("this") private final Map<String, MutablePoint> locations; public MonitorVehicleTracker(Map<String, MutablePoint> locations) { this.locations = deepCopy(locations); } public synchronized Map<String, MutablePoint> getLocations() { return deepCopy(locations); } public synchronized MutablePoint getLocation(String id) { MutablePoint loc = locations.get(id); return loc == null ? null : new MutablePoint(loc); } public synchronized void setLocation(String id, int x, int y) { MutablePoint loc = locations.get(id); if (loc == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such ID: " + id); loc.x = x; loc.y = y; } private static Map<String, MutablePoint> deepCopy(Map<String, MutablePoint> m) { Map<String, MutablePoint> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String id : m.keySet()) result.put(id, new MutablePoint(m.get(id))); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } } /* Example of non-thread-safe object to be confined in the ,* MonitorVehicleTracker instance. */ // Note: MutablePoint may not be example of good code. @NotThreadSafe public class MutablePoint { public int x, y; public MutablePoint() { x = 0; y = 0; } public MutablePoint(MutablePoint p) { this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; } }
General guideline:
If a class is composed of multiple independent thread-safe state variables and has no operations that have any invalid state transitions, then it can delegate thread safety to the underlying state variables.
Example program using delegation to achieve thread-safety (in this case, delegating thread-safety to the
class):@ThreadSafe public class DelegatingVehicleTracker { private final ConcurrentMap<String, Point> locations; private final Map<String, Point> unmodifiableMap; public DelegatingVehicleTracker(Map<String, Point> points) { locations = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Point>(points); unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(locations); } /* getLocations can simply return the unmodifiableMap because the ,* underlying Point is immutable. Note that semantics is different ,* from the getLocations method in the MonitorVehicleTracker class ,* in the example code shown earlier. In this implementation, the ,* Map<String, Point> returned is a "live" version because any ,* updates via calls to setLocation will be reflected. */ public Map<String, Point> getLocations() { return unmodifiableMap; } /* getLocationsSnapshot behaves similarly to the getLocation ,* method in the MonitorVehicleTracker class shown earlier. */ public Map<String, Point> getLocationsSnapshot() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, Point>(locations)); } public Point getLocation(String id) { return locations.get(id); } public void setLocation(String id, int x, int y) { if (locations.replace(id, new Point(x, y)) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid vehicle name: " + id); } } @Immutable public class Point { public final int x, y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }
Example program that publishes its state in a thread-safe manner (by making sure the published class itself is thread-safe):
@ThreadSafe public class PublishingVehicleTracker { private final Map<String, SafePoint> locations; private final Map<String, SafePoint> unmodifiableMap; public PublishingVehicleTracker(Map<String, SafePoint> locations) { this.locations = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SafePoint>(locations); this.unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.locations); } public Map<String, SafePoint> getLocations() { return unmodifiableMap; } public SafePoint getLocation(String id) { return locations.get(id); } public void setLocation(String id, int x, int y) { if (!locations.containskey(id)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid vehicle name: " + id); locations.get(id).set(x, y); } } @ThreadSafe public class SafePoint { @GuardedBy("this") private int x, y; private SafePoint(int[] a) { this(a[0], a[1]); } public SafePoint(SafePoint p) { this(p.get()); } public SafePoint(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public synchronized int[] get() { return new int[] { x, y }; } public synchronized void set(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }
Adding functionality existing thread-safe classes
Depending on the actual class, there are various ways to add functionality while preserving thread-safety, such as:
Extending the class; for example, here is how we might extend
to supportputIfAbsent
semantics in a thread-safe manner,@ThreadSafe public class BetterVector<E> extends Vector<E> { public synchronized boolean putIfAbsent(E x) { boolean absent = !contains(x); if (absent) add(x); return absent; } }
Using client-side locking; for example, here is how we might implement put-if-absent:
@ThreadSafe public class ListHelper<E> { public List<E> list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<E>()); // ... public booleon putIfAbsent(E x) { synchronized (list) { // Synchronizing on the wrapper // collection intrinsic lock, as per // documentation boolean absent = !list.contains(x); if (absent) list.add(x); return absent; } } }
Using composition; this approach is generally prefer (for the reason to prefer composition o inheritance):
@ThreadSafe public class ImprovedList<T> implements List<T> { private final List<T> list; public ImprovedList(List<T> list) { this.list = list; } public synchronized boolean putIfAbsent(T x) { boolean contains = list.contains(x); if (contains) list.add(x); return !contains; } public synchronized void clear() { list.clear(); } // ... similarly delegate other List methods. }
Chapter 5 - Building Blocks
Often times even the synchronized collection classes (like
) can be awkward to use in a multi-threaded context.-
For example, the following code might result in
if the operation is interleaved with another thread removing the last element:public static Object getLast(Vector list) { int lastIndex = list.size() - 1; return list.get(lastIndex); } public static void deleteLast(Vector list) { int lastIndex = list.size() - 1; list.remove(lastIndex); }
Similarly, a simple iteration might throw
in a multi-threaded context:for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) doSomething(vector.get(i));
To avoid the
, we would need to use client-side locking and acquire the intrinsic lock, at a cost to performance. Note that theVector
class is still thread-safe, because the internal state is always valid.
Concurrent Collections in General
Regarding "legacy" synchronized collections and the newer concurrent collections:
The "legacy" synchronized collections achieve their thread safety by serializing all access to the collection's state. The cost of this approach is poor concurrency; when multiple threads contend for the collection-wide lock, throughput suffers.
On the other hand, concurrent collections are designed for concurrent access from multiple threads. For example, the
is a replacement for synchronizedList
implementations for cases where traversal is the dominant operation.
Consider the following "modern" replacements instead of the synchronized collections:
instead of synchronizedSortedMap
instead of synchronizedSortedSet
Iterators returned by
are weakly consistent: instead of throwingConcurrentModificationException
, they traverse elements as they existed when the iterator is constructed (and may not reflect modifications to the collection thereafter).CopyOnWriteArrayList
The iterators returned by
are do not throwConcurrentModificationException
; instead, they return the elements exactly as they were at the time the iterator was created.
Blocking Queues and Producer-consumer Pattern
Blocking queues support the producer-consumer design. One common producer-consumer design is a thread pool coupled with a work queue.
Blocking queues provide an
method, which returns a failure status if the item cannot be enqueued; this allows us to handle overload in a flexible manner, instead of always blocking. -
While the producer-consumer pattern decouples the producer(s) from the consumer(s), the entire system is still coupled indirectly through the shared work queues (i.e., the ultimate consumer, which places a final limit on the processing rate).
The concrete implementations of
that is analogous toLinkedList
that is analogous toArrayList
that is a priority queue, which is useful when we want to process items other than in a FIFO order -
that is not really a queue (YJ: this is similar to an unbuffered channel in Go)-
This is useful to reduce the latency associated between moving data from producer to consumer (because the work can be handed off directly).
Deques and Work Stealing
to support efficient insertion and removal at both ends. They naturally support the pattern of work stealing.-
Working stealing is suited to problems where consumers are also producers—that is, consumers will produce more work.
Blocking and Interruptible Methods
Threads may be blocked when they need to wait for an event beyond they control (e.g., I/O, lock acquisition) before they can continue execution.
Methods that throw
means that:-
they are blocking, and
if interrupted, they'll attempt to stop blocking early.
Threads have a
method for interrupting and thread and querying whether the thread has been interrupted.-
When our code throws an
, we must also handle the interruption. -
If we are writing library code, we generally have one of two options:
Propagate the exception
Restore the interrupt (by calling the
method on the thread) so that code higher up the call stack can see that the stack was interrupted. (See listing 5.10 for an example.)
It is acceptable to swallow the exception generally only when we are extending
and therefore control all the code higher up the call stack.
A synchronizer is any object that coordinates the control flow of threads based in its state.
A latch delays the progress of threads until it reaches its terminal state, upon which all threads can proceed.
Common uses of a latch includes:
Ensuring that a computation does not proceed until the resources it needs are initialized.
Ensuring that a service does not start until the services on which it depends have started. Each service would have an associated binary latch, and will wait on latch(es) of the service(s) that it depends on before releasing its own latch and starting.
Waiting for all parties involved in a particular activities before starting together.
can be used in any of the above three scenarios.
, which describes an abstract result-bearing computation. -
can be in one of three states:-
Waiting to run
The completed state may be one of three status:
Normal completion
may result is one of the following behavior:-
The call will return immediately if the task has completed normally.
The call will throw an exception if the task completed exceptionally.
The exception may be checked, unchecked, or an
The call will block if the tasks is still in progress.
Counting semaphores are used to control the number of activities that can access a certain resource or perform a given action at the same time.
A binary semaphore can be used as a mutex with non-reentrant locking semantics.
Semaphores are useful for implementing resource pools.
Semaphores can also be used to implemented bounded collections, by requiring decrementing the semaphore before adding items to the collection, and incrementing the semaphore when removing items from the collection.
A barrier blocks multiple threads until a certain number of threads are all waiting at on the barrier, essentially allowing threads to wait for other threads.
This is somewhat similar to a latch; but a latch allows waiting for events (instead of threads).
A barrier may also be reused after the threads have crossed the barrier for the first time.
For example, a
allows a fixed number of parties to wait at the barrier point.-
When the
call returns, it returns a unique index so each thread can perform different action depending on the index. -
If the call to
times out or a blocked thread gets interrupted, all outstanding calls toawait
terminate withBrokenBarrierException
. -
We can also pass a
to aCyclicBarrier
. ThisRunnable
will be runned whenever the barrier is crossed, but before the waiting threads are unblocked.
Barriers are often used in computation that occurs in stages, and where the processing of each stage can happen in parallel, but each stage must be completed before the next stage can begin. In such a scenario, the computation may be parallelized across threads, and the threads will await for all other threads on a barrier before proceeding to the next stage.
Barriers are also used as exchange points, where two asymmetric thread meet and exchange data. For example, one thread might be responsible for filling a queue and the other thread may be responsible for consuming from the queue; these two threads may meet at a barrier to exchange their queues when they are done will filling / consuming respectively.
Part II: Structuring Concurrent Applications
Chapter 6 - Task Execution
framework is an abstraction on the execution of tasks.-
Consider web server for example, a standard task will be the handling of requests.
On one end of the spectrum, the tasks may be handled sequentially, leading to poor responsiveness (i.e., high latency) and poor resource utilization (i.e., CPU may be low when blocking on I/O).
On the other end of the spectrum, the web server may create a new thread for every request that comes in. Beyond a certain point, the creation of new thread will offer little to no additional concurrency, but nonetheless still introduce the overhead.
Using the
framework, it becomes easier build a web server that handles the incoming requests on a fixed pool of threads (e.g., using the Executor returned fromExecutors.newFixedThreadPool()
). It'll also be easy to change to execution policy without much code changes.-
An execution policy specifies the "what, where, when and how" of task execution, including:
In what thread will tasks be executed?
In what order should tasks be executed (FIFO, LIFO, priority order)?
How many tasks may execute concurrently?
How many tasks may be queued pending execution?
If a tasks has to be rejected because the system is overloaded, which task should that be, and how should the application be notified?
What actions should be taken before or after executing a task?
Whenever we see code of the form:
new Thread(runnable).start()
, consider whether we should replace it with anExecutor
Some common thread pool for use with the
framework includes:-
: Creates threads as tasks are submitted, up to the maximum pool size, and then attempts to maintain a constant pool size (e.g., creating new threads when one dies). -
: Reuses idle threads when available, but will otherwise create new threads without bounds. -
: Single-threaded, with tasks processed sequentially based on order imposed by the task queue. -
: A fixed-size pool that supports delayed and periodic task execution.
interface is an extension ofExecutor
, providing lifecycle methods like graceful shutdown, checking status. -
We submit a
to an executor and get back aFuture
that can be used to retrieve the result or cancel the task. -
Note that when we are parallelizing heterogeneous tasks , there are various limitations:
(Note: "heterogeneous" here means assigning different tasks to different threads such that different threads will be performing different computation; this is as opposed to splitting the same tasks into smaller tasks, and assigning to different threads such each thread will be solving the same problem as every other thread, but on different chunks of the data / input.)
After parallelizing heterogeneous tasks, when new or more resources are available, it is not immediately clear how we should deploy the additional resources without finding finer-grained parallelism.
Different parts of the heterogeneous division may take different amount of time. As a result, dividing the task heterogeneously across two threads may not half the total amount of time required.
Chapter 7 - Cancellation and Shutdown
Task Cancellation
Java does not provide any mechanism for safely forcing a thread to stop what it is doing (i.e., no pre-emptive mechanism); tasks cancellation relies on a cooperative mechanism.
A tasks that wants to be cancellable must have a cancellation policy that specifies the "how", "when", and "what" of cancellation—how other code can request cancellation, when the task checks whether the cancellation has been requested, and what actions the tasks takes in response to a cancellation request.
One way to implement a cancellable tasks is to have a volatile
field (together with the appropriate setter, e.g., a publiccancel()
method on the class) that the main processing method on the class checks at various reasonable points in through the execution.-
One problem with this is that if the tasks is itself blocking on another call, it may never be able to check the
field. -
To avoid to problem just mentioned, it may make sense to implement task cancellation using the thread interruption mechanism in Java.
Note the terminology here: tasks have cancellation policy, and threads have interruption policy.
Note that a single interrupt request on the thread may have different meaning:
It may be a signal to cancel the current running task, or it may be a signal to shut down the thread.
As such, when a task hooks into the thread interruption mechanism to implement cancellation (i.e., by catching the
), the task should restore the interruption status after performing its own cancellation code. This can be achieved by callingThread.currentThread().interrupt()
after handling the cancellation, or rethrowing the exception. -
On the other hand, if a task does not support cancellation, but still relies on blocking methods (i.e., methods can may throw
), then the task will have to catch theInterruptedException
, set a local flag to indicate that an exception has occurred, retry calling the blocking methods until the task is complete (since it does not support cancellation), and restore the interruption status just before returning.
We should generally not interrupt a thread unless we know what it means (i.e., what is the threads interruption policy).
Handling Abnormal Thread Termination
The Thread API in Java allows us to register
that handles uncaught exceptions when a thread dies. In long-running applications, we should always use uncaught exception handlers for all threads that at least log the exception.
JVM Shutdown
Upon JVM shutdown, all registered shutdown hooks are executed concurrently. As such, a shutdown hook should not rely on services that might be shut down by another shutdown hook (e.g., logging).
To avoid the above issue, often times it makes sense to use a single shutdown hook to shutdown all services, avoiding possible race conditions and deadlocks.
Daemon threads are threads that do not prevent JVM's automatic shutdown—i.e., when all the non-daemon threads are done and the remaining threads are all daemon threads, JVM will initiate an orderly shutdown.
Chapter 8 - Apply Thread Pools
This chapter covers the advanced options for configuring and tuning thread pools, and their usage in relation to the tasks execution framework.
Implicit Couplings Between Tasks and Exception Policies
Thread pools work best when tasks are homogeneous and independent; mixing long-running and short-running tasks risks having the pool dominated by the long-running tasks, resulting in the short-running tasks taking a long time too.
Submitting into threadpools tasks that depend on other tasks risks deadlock unless the pool is unbounded.
Sizing Thread Pools
Even for compute-intensive tasks, we should usually have slightly more threads than the number of processing cores on the system. This is because even compute-intensive threads occasionally take a page fault or pause for some other reason, having extra threads to be executed prevents CPU cycles from going unused when such events happen.
For tasks that include blocking operations (e.g., disk, network and other I/O), we would want a larger pool size, since not all of the threads will be schedulable at any moment in time.
Configuring ThreadPoolExecutor
provides the base implementation for executors returned bynewCachedThreadPool
, etc. It is a flexible and robust pool implementation that allows a variety of customizations.-
For how to instantiate a
, consider referring to the source code of an existing factory method (e.g.,newCachedThreadPool
) that returns a thread pool most similar to the intended thread pool behavior.
Remember that even with fixed pool sizes, resource exhaustion may still happen if the task queue itself grows in an unbounded manner.
Consider using
or a boundedLinkedBlockingQueue
. -
When using bounded work queues, the queue size and pool size must be tuned together.
A large queue coupled with a small pool can help reduce memory usage, CPU usage, and context switching, at the cost of potentially constraining throughput.
For very large or unbounded queues (if for some reason these are acceptable), it is possible to bypass queuing entirely and instead hand off tasks directly from producers to worker threads using
. -
, if there is no thread already waiting on the queue, the executor will either create a new thread, or reject the tasks if thread creation is not possible (e.g., pool size limit has been reached).
Saturation Policies
Saturation policies govern what happens when a bounded work queue is filled up, or when a task is submitted to an
that has been shutdown. -
Some policies include
, andDiscardOldestPolicy
means the task will be runned on the caller's thread, which also has the effect of preventing the caller thread from being able to submit more task until the caller thread itself is done with the task.
Thread Factories
When a thread pool needs to create a thread, it does so through a thread factory. Specifying a custom thread factory allows us to customize the configuration of pool threads (e.g., setting an
, or giving threads meaningful names to ease debugging).
Extending ThreadPoolExecutor
is designed for extension and provides several hooks for subclasses to override.
Parallelizing Recursive Algorithms
Loops whose bodies contain nontrivial computation or perform potentially blocking I/O are frequently good candidates for parallelization, as long as the iterations are independent.
One way to dispose of and wait for
to finish the assigned tasks is to callshutdown()
followed byawaitTermination
on theExecutorService
. -
Some considerations when converting a sequential recursive algorithm to a parallel one:
How to detect that a solution has been found –> use some variable (the "Solution Variable") that can be accessed by all the tasks parallel task
See listing 8.17 for an example of a result-bearing latch implementation based on the
How to synchronize update to the share Solution Variable, preventing corruption and also avoid over-locking and leading to contention
How to wait for the solution, while also ensuring the wait will not block forever if there is no solution –> one possible approach is to keep a count of the submitted tasks, and end when the count drops back to zero (see listing 8.18)
How to implement a timeout / cancellation?
Chapter 9 - GUI Applications
One of the reasons why GUI application have a single dedicated event main thread or dispatch thread is to avoid race conditions and deadlock.
User-initiated events tend to "bubble up" from OS to the application (e.g., detecting mouse input), while application-initiated events tend to "bubble down" from the application to the OS (e.g., repainting the display).
The MVC model also tend to leads to inconsistent lock ordering and thus deadlocks.
Skipped, because it is rather focused on GUI, making the theoretical knowledge of limited use. Furthermore, in practical terms, the code samples are in old Java style, making reading them less useful.
Part III: Liveness, Performance, and Testing
Chapter 10 - Avoiding Liveness Hazards
This chapter explores some of the causes of liveness failures and what can be done to prevent them.
On the JVM, once threads are deadlocked, there is nothing we can do about those threads other than restarting the system and hoping that deadlocks doesn't occur again. (YJ: Recall that thread interruptions in Java is purely cooperative.)
This is unlike database systems that actively detects deadlocks and terminate one of the deadlock threads to allow execution to continue.
A program will be free of lock-ordering deadlocks if all threads acquire the locks they need in a fixed global order.
An additional concern is that the entity to be lock on may depending on user input: e.g., in a bank transfer, we may design of system to always lock the "from" account followed by the "to" account, but if two persons initiate transfers to each other at the same time, a deadlock may still occur.
One way to solve the above issue is to assign each account number a globally unique ID, and always lock the lower ID first.
Avoid invoking any alien method with a lock held. This is because the alien method may in turn acquire other locks or block for an unexpectedly long time.
One way this tend to occur insidiously is when a synchronized method of a class calls a method (this is the alien method here) on one of the fields of the class.
One way to avoid this problem is to refactor the code to use open calls (as opposed to
methods): refer to listing 10.5 vs listing 10.6. -
Note however that by converting code to use open calls, we might loss atomicity (since the locking is now more granular), and this may or may not be acceptable, depending on the problem domain.
Avoiding and Diagnosing Deadlocks
How to prevent:
Identify where multiple locks could be acquired (try to make this a small set).
Perform a global analysis of all such instances to ensure that lock ordering is consistent across the entire program.
One other way to avoid deadlock (or at least reduce the impact) is to use timed lock acquisition.
Note however that when a timed lock acquisition time out, it may not necessarily be indicative of a deadlock; the system might merely have been slow, or there might have been an infinite loop somewhere.
To diagnose deadlocks, we can send the JVM process i
signal (kill -3
), upon which it will stop and also produce a thread dump which also includes locking information.Other Liveness Hazards
Other liveness hazards include:
Starvation: Where a thread is perpetually denied access to resources it needs in order to make progress.
Note: While Java's Thread API provides mechanism for specifying thread priorities, we should generally avoid the temptation to tweak them, as this will result in our application being tied to the underlying platform's scheduling mechanism.
Poor Responsiveness
Livelock: E.g., where multiple cooperating threads change their state in response to the other in such a way that no thread can ever make progress.
To avoid such livelock, one way is to introduce some randomness into the retry mechanism.
Chapter 11 - Performance and Scalability
This chapter explores techniques for analyzing, monitoring, and improving the performance of concurrent programs.
Thinking about Performance
Application performance can be measured in a number of ways: service time, latency, throughput, efficiency, scalability, or capacity.
Some metrics measure how fast a given unit of work can be processed or acknowledged, while others measure how much work can be performed with a given quantity of computing resources.
E.g., scalability describes the ability to improve throughput or capacity when additional computing resources (such as additional CPUs, memory, storage, or I/O bandwidth) are added.
Designing and tuning concurrent applications for scalability can be very different from traditional performance optimization, where the goal is usually to do the same work with less effort (e.g., by reusing previously computed results through memoization or using a better algorithm).
When tuning for scalability, we are instead trying to find ways to parallelize the problem so we can take advantage of the additional processing resources to do more work with more resources.
Consequently, many of the tricks that improve performance in single-threaded programs are bad for scalability.
Some questions to consider when optimizing for performance:
What do we actually mean by "better performance"?
Under what conditions will the approach actually be more performant? Under light or heavy load? With large or small data sets? Can we support our answer with measurements?
Is the code likely to be used in other situations where the conditions may by different?
What hidden costs, such an increased development or maintenance risk, are we trading for this improved performance? Is this a good trade-off?
When we trade safety for performance, we may get neither.
This is true especially when it comes to concurrency. As such, it is imperative to measure the performance before and after the "optimization". There are many tools available for such measurements (e.g.
Amdalh's Law
The relationship between increased performance and additional computing resources is not linear. As we add more computing resources, the increase in performance becomes less than proportionate.
The above is due to the fact that some part of the system must be executed serially with respect to the other parts, and once this part has sufficient resource to execute, adding additional resource will not make it run any faster.
As such, before optimizing the program into one that can take advantage of additional computing resources (i.e., making the program salable) it is important to consider the sources of serialization, for example:
If there is a single thread pool, the worker queue for submitting tasks to the thread pool is a source of serialization. As such, using
(which has a more efficient algorithm) as the worker queue may yield better performance than usingsynchronizedList
. -
Result handling is also usually processed serially (e.g., writing to a log file, or putting them into a data structure).
When evaluating an algorithm, it may be helpful to think how will the algorithm perform when we have hundreds or thousands of processors (as opposed to just around four to eight processors).
For example, locking splitting (splitting one lock into two) may be sufficient when there are around two processors, but lock striping (splitting one lock into many) is necessary to exploit more processors.
Costs Introduced by Threads
Whenever a thread is scheduled for execution, there is a minimum amount of time for which the thread cannot be descheduled even if there are many other threads waiting. This is to amortize the cost of the context switch over more uninterrupted execution time (improving overall throughput at some cost to responsiveness).
As such, when a thread blocks because it is waiting for a contended lock, it is not able to use its full scheduling quantum, leading to wasted resources.
command on Unix systems andperfmon
tool on Windows systems report the number of context switches and percentage of time spent in the kernel.-
High kernel usage (over 10%) often indicates heavy scheduling activity, which may be caused by blocking due to I/O or lock contention.
*Don't worry excessively about the cost of uncontended synchronization. The basic mechanism is already quite fast, and JVMs can perform additional optimizations (e.g., removing the lock entirely if possible, or coarsening the lock) that further reduce or eliminate the cost. Instead, focus optimization efforts on areas where lock contention actually occurs.*
Synchronization by one thread can affect the performance of other threads because synchronization creates traffic on the shared memory bus.
Reducing Lock Contention
Two factors influence likelihood of contention for a lock:
How often that lock is requested?
How long is the lock held for once acquired?
See listing 11.4 for an example of holding a lock longer than necessary.
Lock contention may also be reduced by delegating thread safety to thread-safe objects like
. -
Lock contention may also be reduced by using different locks to guard different variables or different parts of the variables (i.e., using techniques like lock splitting or lock striping).
Refer to listings 11.6 and 11.7 for examples of locking on the fields itself, instead of locking on the containing object.
One downsides of lock striping is that locking the entire collection for exclusive access is more difficult and costly.
Reducing lock granularity will also not help if there are "hot fields" that all operations require. Example of such hot fields might be a cache data structure.
Lock contention may also be reduced by using alternatives to exclusive locks:
Concurrent collections, read-write locks, immutable objects, and atomic variables.
When testing for scalability, the goal is usually to keep the processors fully utilized. Tools like
on Unix systems andperfmon
on Windows systems can be helpful. -
Avoid object pooling other than for the most expensive objects.
Reducing Context Switch Overhead
Where there is a single source of blocking calls (e.g., logging directly to output), consider putting some form of buffer in front of the source of blocking calls (e.g., a logging service with a message queue that eventually writes to the output).
This improves performance because the potential point of lock contention has moved from the I/O device, to the message queue on the logging service.
Holding a lock on the I/O device is inherently more prone to lock contention as I/O operations tend to require more time then purely computational operations (like acquiring a lock to the message queue and enqueueing a log message.).
Recall that holding a lock for long duration worsens lock contention.
Chapter 12 - Testing Concurrent Programs
The major challenge in constructing tests for concurrent programs is that potential failures may be rare probabilistic occurrences rather than deterministic ones, and tests that disclose such failures must be more extensive and run for longer than typical sequential tests.
Most tests of concurrent classes are either tests for safety or liveness (or both).
Tests of safety verifies that a class's behavior conforms to its specification, and usually work by testing the invariants.
Tests of liveness include tests of progress and non-progress: is the method running blocking or merely running slowly; how to test that an algorithm does not deadlock?
Tests of performance: throughput, responsiveness, scalability.
Testing for Correctness
A set of sequential tests are useful even when testing concurrent classes as these sequential tests can disclose non-concurrency related problems.
One way to test that a particular operation blocks is to:
Start a separate thread in the test method to call the blocking method,
Inside the separate thread, return failure if there is no blocking; otherwise, catch the
and return success, -
Sleep in the main testing thread for a set amount of time,
Interrupt the separate thread (this should trigger the
), -
Join the separate thread, and check that it handled the
in an expected manner.
One way to test the safety of classes used in producer-consumer designs is to use an order-sensitive checksum on the elements that are put on the processing queue.
See listings 12.5 and 12.6 for example.
When the purpose of the class is to prevent resource exhaustion, we also need to test for resource leaks.
See listing 12.7 for an example.
One way to generate more interleaving to test when testing for concurrency errors is to introduce
or non-zero sleep in the actual code during testing.-
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) tools can be used to more conveniently add such calls during testing and remove them for production.
Testing for Performance
Sometimes linkedlist-based structures may perform better than array-based structures in a concurrent setting because the former allows concurrent updating of different parts of the structure.
Avoiding Performance Testing Pitfalls
We should be conscious of how garbage collection will affect out performance test. Either invoke the JVM with
and check that the GC did not run before accepting the test results, or write the tests sufficiently long to ensure that GC runs for a coupled of time in order to factor in GC in the performance tests. -
We should also ensure that we allow the JVM to "warm-up" and dynamically compile the relevant code before taking measurements.
Note that in production, most application would run long enough for the JVM to dynamically compile all frequent code paths.
Note also that the compilation process itself consumes processing resources, and be sure to factor that into our measurements as necessary.
On HotSpot, run our program with
to print out a message when dynamic compilation runs, so we can verify this.
The JVM uses various background threads for housekeeping tasks, as such, it is a good idea to place explicit pauses between measuring different unrelated computationally intensive tasks, in order to all such background threads to catch up.
When writing benchmarks, beware of dead code elimination by the compiler. One way to avoid such dead code elimination is use the results of the computation in a arbitrary manner, such as comparing to the current system time and printing a simple output.
Note not should the computed results be used, they should also be unguessable to prevent pre-computation and inlining.
Complementary Testing Approaches
Part IV: Advanced Topics
Chapter 13 - Explicit Locks
Lock and ReentrantLock
Unlike intrinsic locking,
offers a choice of unconditional, polled, timed, and interruptible lock acquisition, and all lock and unlock operations are explicit. -
interface is as follows:public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean tryLock(); boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException; void unlock(); Condition newCondition(); }
Some limitations of intrinsic locking compared to using
Acquisition of intrinsic lock may block forever, without possibility of specifying a timeout.
It is not possible to interrupt a thread waiting to acquire an intrinsic lock.
Intrinsic locks must be released in the same code of block in which they are acquired.
Performance Considerations
Performance is a moving target; yesterday's benchmark showing that X is faster than Y may already be out of date today.
A fair lock is one in which threads acquire based on the order of the request.
A non-fair lock allows barging: threads requesting a lock can jump ahead of the queue of waiting threads if the lock happens to be available when it is requested.
In most cases, the performance benefits of non-fair locks outweigh the benefits of fair queueing.
One reason why non-fair lock is more performant is because it takes time for threads to be suspended and to be woken up; as such suppose that thread A is just done with a lock and thread B is already suspending in a queue waiting and thread C has requested for the lock, it is entirely possible that thread C could have acquired the lock and complete its processing (under a non-fair locking regime) in the time it would have time to suspend thread C and wake thread B (as a fair lock would).
Fair locks tend to work best when they are held for a relatively long time or when the mean time between lock requests is relatively long.
Choosing Between Synchronized and ReentrantLock
is an advanced tool for situations where intrinsic locking is not practical. Use it if we need advanced features: timed, polled, or interruptible lock acquisition, fair queuing, or non-block-structured locking. Otherwise, prefersynchronized
Read-write Locks
In practice, read-write locks can improve performance for frequently accessed read-mostly data structures on multiprocessor systems; under other conditions they perform slightly worse than exclusive locks due to their greater complexity.
Some implementation options for a
Release preference: When a writer releases the write lock and there are both writers and readers queued up, who should be given preference?
Reader barging: If the lock is held by reader but there are waiting writers, should newly arriving readers be granted immediate access, or should they wait behind writers?
Reentrancy: Are the read and write locks reentrant?
Downgrading: If a thread holds the write lock, can it acquire the read lock without releasing the write lock?
Upgrading: Can a read lock be upgraded to a write lock in preference to other waiting readers or writers?
Chapter 14 - Building Custom Synchronizers
Managing State Dependence
An example of state dependence is how an item cannot be removed from an empty queue.
One way to implement a state dependent object is to use polling and sleeping. Take a queue for example, it can expose a method call
for client code to check—if the queue is indeed full, the client code should release the lock, and sleep for a while before acquiring the lock and checking theIsFull()
method again. This is the sleeping-and-polling approach. -
Just as each Java object can act as a lock, each object can also act as a condition queue. The
, andnotifyAll
methods inObject
constitute the API for intrinsic condition queues (and requires the intrinsic lock be held before any of them can be called).-
atomically releases the intrinsic lock and ask the OS to suspend the current thread. This allow other threads to acquire the intrinsic lock and modify the object state. -
Condition queue provides a more efficient building block for the sleeping-and-polling approach.
Using Condition Queues
Usage of condition queues requires three elements:
the lock: to be held when checking the condition predicate
the condition predicate: the thing that a thread
for (e.g., a queue being no longer empty) -
the condition queue: the object to call
on, which should also correspond to the lock
When using condition waits (
Always have a condition predicate, some test of object state that must hold before proceeding;
Always test the condition predicate before calling
, and again after returning fromwait
(in case of spurious wakeup ornotifyAll
); -
Always call
in a loop; -
Ensure that the state variables making up the condition predicate are guarded by the lock associated with the condition queue;
Hold the lock associated with the condition queue when calling
, ornotifyAll
; and -
Do not release the lock after checking the condition predicate but before acting on it.
Beware of missed signals—i.e., where a thread waits for a specific condition that is already true, but fails to check the condition predicate before waiting.
can sometimes contribute to missed signals too.
A state-dependent class should clearly document and expose its waiting and notification protocols to subclasses, or completely prevent subclass from participating in such protocols as all.
Explicit Condition Objects
Just as
is a generalization of intrinsic locks,Condition
is a generalization of intrinsic condition queues. -
Some drawbacks of intrinsic condition queues are:
Each intrinsic lock can have only one associated condition queue, which means multiple threads might be waiting on the same condition queue for different condition predicates.
Some additional features provided by explicit
objects are:-
multiple wait sets per lock
interruptible and uninterruptible condition waits
deadline-based waiting
choice of fair or non-fair queuing.
Note: the equivalent of
objects areawait
. However, sinceCondition
, it has the former sets of methods too, but those should generally not be used.
Anatomy of a Synchronizer
are implemented on top of theAbstractQueuedSynchronizer
(as are many other synchronizers).
AQS in java.util.concurrent
Chapter 15 - Atomic Variables and Non-blocking Synchronization
Many of the classes in
, such asSemaphore
, provide better performance and scalability (compared to thesynchronized
alternatives) due to their use of atomic variables and non-blocking synchronization.
Disadvantages of Locking
Hardware Support for Concurrency
Modern CPUs usually have atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) instruction that has three operands: memory location, expected old value and the new value. CAS updates the value only if the old value matches.
CAS adopts an "optimistic locking" approach allows multiple threads to perform the same instructions, and only one thread will succeed and threads can detect failure and decides how to proceed, without being suspended.
Atomic Variable Classes
There are twelve atomic variable classes, divided into four groups: scalars, field updaters, arrays, and compound variables.
The most commonly used are atomic scalars:
, andAtomicReference
. -
The array atomic classes are arrays whose elements can be updated atomically.
Where there are multiple mutable states that needs to be updated atomically, we can consider encapsulating the states in a class, and use an
to update the reference.
Non-blocking Algorithms
Non-blocking algorithms generally uses compare-and-set / -swap instead of locking to achieve better performance.
However one problem that may arise in naive use of compare-and-set / -swap that even though the compare step succeeds because the value is the same, the value has in fact been changed and then changed back.
This would be a problem if the algorithm is concerned not just about the value, but also whether the value has change.
It would also be a problem if the value is a reference to an object that might have been recycled to represent a different object.
To avoid the ABA problem, we can use
Chapter 16 - The Java Memory Model
What is a Memory Model, and Why would I Want One?
The Java Memory Model defines certain happens-before partial orderings:
Program order rule: Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program order.
Monitor lock rule: An unlock on a monitor happens-before every subsequent lock on the same monitor.
Volatile variable rule: A write to a volatile variable happens-before every subsequent read of the same field.
Thread start rule: A call to
on a thread happens-before every action on the started thread. -
Thread termination rule: Any action in a thread happens-before any other thread detects that the first-mentioned thread is terminated (either by
). -
Interruption rule: A thread calling interrupt on another thread happens-before the interrupted thread detects the interrupt.
Finalizer rule: The end of a constructor for an object happens-before the start of the finalizer for that object.
Transitivity rule: If A happens-before B and B happens-before C, than A happens-before C.
A data race occurs when a variable is read by more than one thread, and written to by at least on thread, but the reads and writes are not ordered by happens-before.
Lock acquisition and release, and reads & writes on volatile variables are totally ordered.
Unsafe publication happens when the initialization of an object (which involves writing to the new object's fields) does not have a happens-before relationship from the code accessing a reference to the object.
To Internalize Now
To Learn/Do Soon
Lower level OS concepts
To Revisit When Necessary
5.3 Blocking Queues and the Producer-consumer Pattern
Refer to Listing 5.8 for an example of using
to coordinate producer and consumer threads in an example desktop search application.-
Note: It might be better to use the executor framework instead.
5.5 Synchronizers
Refer to this section generally for discussions on the common type of synchronization primitives, and what are the common use cases and variations of each.
5.5.1 Latches
Refer Listing 5.11 for an example of how
can be used in two ways:-
Wait for set-up to be ready
Wait for all other threads that are supposed to start together
5.6 Building an Efficient, Scalable Result Cache
Refer to Listings 5.16 through 5.19 for illustration of various mistakes that we may make when building a thread-safe lazy initialization cache:
Listing 5.16 - We achieve thread-safety by synchronizing on the mutable
used to hold the state, resulting in poor concurrent performance. -
Listing 5.17 - We change to using
instead ofHashMap
, allowing us to do awaying with synchronizing when retrieving value from the map usingget
. However, because of the check-then-act operation (checking if value has been initialized, and initializing it if not), we might potentially call the (expensive) initialization function more than once. -
Listing 5.18 - We change to using storing
(instead of the actual value) in theMap
. This decreases the window where duplicated initialization may occur. However, the window still exists. -
Listing 5.19 - Finally, we switch to using the
method on theConcurrentHashMap
so there is no longer a window that will result in duplicated initialization.
7.2 Stopping a Thread-based Service
Refer to listing 7.15 for an example of how to build a simple logging service that supports shutdown lifecycle event. In particular, the example accounts for the following:
Providing lifecycle method
to initiate shutdown. -
Having the
throw error if called after shutdown has been initiated. -
Using a
to queue up log messages to be processed by a logging thread (essentially fanning in the calls tolog()
into the logging thread). Note that we also do not want to be holding onto any intrinsic locks when putting onto the queue if possible, since putting may block. -
Using the
field to keep track of pending log messages to be written, before the service can be shutdown and the threads terminated.-
This solves the race condition where a client service successfully calls
but the logging service terminates before the logging thread within the service can process everything on the queue.
Refer to listing 7.16 for an alternative implementation of the logging service that delegates to
instead of handling its own threads. -
Refer to listing 7.21 and 7.22 for an example of extending
in order to provide a way to check the states of the submitted tasks (pending, in-progress or completed) when shutting down the executor service itself.
8.4 Extending ThreadPoolExecutor
Refer to section 8.4.1 for an example of how to extend
to record statistics like total number of tasks processed and the total processing time.
9 GUI Applications
Refer to this section if I ever need to build a GUI application (either in Java, or that there are no better resources in the target framework / language that I'm working with)
12.4.2 Static Analysis Tools
Refer to this section for a list of some common mistakes relating to concurrent programming (e.g., call
instead ofThread.start()
, not releasing explicit locks in afinally
block, not callingCondition.await()
in a loop).
14.2 Using Condition Queues
Refer to listing 14.9 for an implementation of a recloseable gate using condition queues. Threads can call
to synchronize using the recloseable gate until another thread callsopen()
on the gate, after which the gate can be closed again for reuse.
14.5 and 14.6 AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
Refer to these sections for details on the
class that is used to implement many of the synchronizers in Java standard library.
15.4 Non-blocking Algorithms
Refer to listing 15.6 for an example implementation of a stack that uses a non-blocking algorithm based on
on anAtomicReference
. -
Refer to listing 15.7 for an example implementation of a linked queue that uses a non-blocking algorithm.
16.1.4 Piggybacking on Synchronization
Refer to listing 16.2 for an example of piggybacking on an existing synchronization in order to access a variable not otherwise safe to be assessed.
16.2.3 Safe Initialization Idioms
Refer to this section for some safe initialization idioms.
Other Resources Referred To