Seven Databases in Seven Weeks (Second Edition)
Book Details
Full Title: Seven Databases in Seven Weeks (Second Edition)
Author: Luc Perkins; Eric Redmond; Jim R. Wilson
ISBN/URL: 978-1680502534
Reading Period: 2020.10–2020.12.26
Source: Googl-ing useful book that gives a broad survey of modern databases
General Review
The book provides pragmatic quickstart guide for the seven databases covered, in a consistent language and presentation. This is actually very valuable, given that documentation can vary vastly across projects. Note however that this necessary means that the author has left things out that doesn't fit the narrative of the book.
Databases covered:
Each chapter starts with an analogy of the database examined in that chapter with a particular physical tool—ranging from power drills to earth movers—providing an instinctive sense of the underlying characteristics of the database.
Specific Takeaways
Chapter 2 - PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL has domain-specific plug-ins for things like natural language parsing, multidimensional indexing, geographic queries, custom datatypes, and much more.
Day 1: Relations, CRUD, and Joins
Relational databases is built upon relational algebra, and allows queries to be optimized based on the math. This also allows the declarative nature of SQL (as opposed to an iterative one which requires manual iteration and checking for the conditions).
One thing that sets relational databases apart from other databases is their ability to join tables together when reading them.
Outer Joins are a way of merging two tables when the results of one table must always be returned.
Creating a foreign key references may not automatically create an index on the referenced column.
Index may represented using a b-tree (default) or hash. If using hash, the column must contain only default value.
Day 2: Advanced Queries, Code, and Rules
Aggregate Functions
condition has its own filter keyword:HAVING
, which is like theWHERE
clause, but it can filter by aggregate functions. For example:SELECT user_id FROM blog_post GROUP BY user_id HAVING count(*) >= 2 AND user_id IS NOT NULL;
keyword may actually implemented as aGROUP BY
, for example the two queries below may be equivalent:SELECT user_id FROM blog_post GROUP BY user_id; SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM blog_post;
Window Functions
Whereas a
clause will return one record per matching group value, a window function does not collapse the results per group, and can return a separate record for each row. -
Consider the following data: Table name:
post_id user_id 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 b -
query may look something like the following:SELECT user_id, count(*) FROM blog_post GROUP BY user_id, ORDER by user_id;
and return the following:
user_id count(*) a 1 b 3 c 1 -
A query using a window function may look like the following:
SELECT user_id, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id) FROM events ORDER BY venue_id;
and return the following:
user_id count(*) a 1 b 3 b 3 b 3 c 1 Transactions
RDBMS generally provides ACID guarantee:
Atomicity (either all operations succeed or none do)
Consistency (the data will always be in a good state and never in an inconsistent state; note: this is different from the consistency in CAP theorem)
Isolated (transactions don't interfere with one another)
Durability (a commited transaction is safe, even after a server crash)
Stored Procedures
Stored procdures can offer huge performance advantages, but also bound the application code to the database. Always consider whether the performance gains are worth it.
Some examples usage of stored procedures:
Creation of a referenced value if it does not already exists.
Triggers automatically fire stored procedures when some event happens.
Views are essentially saved queries that can be treated like a table.
However, views cannot handle updates.
offer no performance gains; if performance gains are desired, consider usingMATERIALIZED VIEWs
(assuming the additional disk space required is acceptable).Rules
Rules can be used to alter the parsed SQL query tree, allowing for modification of the query before execution.
This allow handling of updates through views.
Day 3: Full Text and Multidimensions
SQL generally supports
for wildcard searches (ILIKE
is case-insensitive). The%
character generally matches any number of characters whereas the_
character matches a single character. -
Postgres supports regex-base string matching via the
operator, with an optional*
after the~
to mean case-insensitive. -
contrib package in PostgreSQL provides thelevenshtein()
function for calculating the number of steps required to change a string into another. -
contrib package provides a functions for generating character trigrams. -
PostgreSQL supports full-text search using the
operator. The operator supports matching based on words, even accounting for pluralization.Wrap-Up
Strengths of PostgreSQL includes:
Maturity: the project has been used in production systems in many years and most issues should have been ironed out.
Works well on data that is fairly homogeneous (as with all other RDBMS).
Highly customizable, with numerous contributed packages that add functionality.
PostgreSQL may not be appropriate in the following circumstances:
If there is a need to scale out rather than up.
If very high-volume reads and writes are required.
If we only need to store large BLOBs of data.
Chapter 3 - HBase
Tool analogy:
Apache HBase is made for big jobs, like a nail gun.
While many of the words used to describe components in HBase's components are similar to RDBMS, they mean quite different things.
Rows in HBase don't act like records, and columns are completely variable and not enforced by any predefined schema.
Unlike relational databases, which sometimes have trouble scaling out, HBase doesn't scale down.
Some reasons for using HBase:
Garbage collection (for expired data)
In-memory tables
OLAP (because while individual operations may sometimes be slower than equivalent operations in other databases, scanning through enormous datasets is an area where HBase truly excels)
HBase guarantees atomicity at row level.
HBase is often used to back heavy-duty logging and search systems.
Introducing HBase
HBase is based on Bigtable, a proprietary database developed by Google.
HBase can gracefully recover from individual server failures because it uses both write-ahead logging and distributed configuration.
Day 1: CRUD and Table Administration
By default, HBase uses a temporary directory to store its data files. It is thus important to override this using the configuration file (via the
property) in any real usage. -
HBase comes with HBase shell for interactive sessions.
HBase is essentially a big map of maps.
Keys are arbitrary strings that each map to a row of data.
A row itself is a map in which keys are called columns and values are stored as uninterpreted arrays of bytes.
Columns are grouped into column families, so a column's full name consists of two parts: the column family name and the column qualifier, ofter concatenated together using a colon (e.g,.
Columns in HBase doesn't need to be predefined when creating the table.
HBase stores an integer timestamp for all data values. And when a new value is written to the same cel, the old value remains, and is indexable by its timestamp.
A way to think about HBase is that each row is a mini-database.
Some benefits of using multiple column families are as followis:
The performance characteristics of each column family can be tuned separately.
Column families are store in different directories.
Day 2: Working with Big Data
By default, in HBase, data is flushed automatically to disk periodically.
HBase supports two compression algorithms: Gzip and Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumre.
HBase supports using Bloom filters to determine whether a particular column exists for a given row key or whether a given row exists.
In HBase, rows are kept in order, sorted by the row key.
A region is a chunk of rows, identified by the starting key (inclusive) and ending key (exclusive).
Region never overlap, and each is assigned to a specific region server in the cluster.
For performance reasons, edits are not necessarily written to disk immediately.
special table is responsible for keeping track of which region tables are responsible for which part (i.e., region) of the user's tables. -
Assignment of of regions to region servers is handled by the master node.
The generaly guidance for column families in the HBase community is to try to keep the number of families per table down.
This can be achieved by (a) combining columns into a single family, or (b) putting families in different tables entirely.
Day 3: Taking It to the Cloud
AWS's Elastic MapReduce (EMR) provides a managed Hadoop platform, allowing you to run various tools in the Hadoop ecosystem, including HBase.
HBase's Strengths
A robust scale-out architecture and built-in versioning and compression capabilities.
HBase is rack aware, and can replicate data within and between datacenter racks so that node failures can be handled gracefully and quickly.
HBase's Weaknesses
HBase doesn't scale down. Five nodes seem to be the minimum number to use.
Nonexpert documentation is hard to come by.
HBase is almost never deployed alone, but is used with Hadoop, Apache Spark.
HBase doesn't offer any sorting or indexing capabilities aside from row keys. No sorting is done on any other field, such as column names and values.
HBase has no concept of datatypes, all field values in HBase are treated as uninterpreted arrays of bytes.
Chapter 4 - MongoDB
Tool analogy:
MongoDB is in many ways like a power drill. Your ability to complete a task is framed largely by the components you choose to use… MongoDB's strength lies in its versatility, power, ease of use, and ability to handle jobs both large and small.
MongoDB is a (JSON) document database, and enforces no schema.
A Mongo document can be likened to a relational table row without a schema.
MongoDB provides GridFS, a way of storing files bigger than the per document limit by automatically splitting the file into chunks.
Day 1: CRUD and Nesting
Unlike a relational database, Mongo does not support server-side joins; a single JavaScript call will retrieve a document and all of its nested content.
Example queries:
// Inserting into the =orders= collection db.orders.insert({ name: "...", itemIDs: [ ... ], metadata: { ... }, date: ISODate("2020-11-22"), totalPrice: 123.4 }) // List everything in the =orders= collection db.orders.find() // Listing help // Inspecting the source code of a function (just call the function // without parentheses) db.orders.insert // Selecting specific document db.orders.find({ "_id": ObjectId("<the-object-id>")}) // Selecting specific document, and retrieving only "totalPrice" field db.orders.find({ "_id": ObjectId("<the-object-id>"), { totalPrice: 1 }) // Selecting specific document, and retrieving all except "totalPrice" field db.orders.find({ "_id": ObjectId("<the-object-id>"), { totalPrice: 0 }) // Advanced filtering db.orders.find( { name: /myregex/, totalPrice: { $lt: 100, $gt: 10 }, metadata.nestField: "exactMatch" } ) // $elemMatch can be used to enforce that a particular document or // nested document matches all the criteria. // .update(<criteria>, <operation>) can be used to update existing // documents // .remove(<criteria>) can be used to remove documents, the criteria // is like in .find()
The Mongo community suggests using
{ $ref: "collection_name", $id: "reference_id" }
to create references between documents. -
function also supports passing in a function that'll be runned on every document to decide whether each document is a match.-
This should however be used as the last option because you can't index such a query, and Mongo cannot optimize it.
Day 2: Indexing, Aggregating, and Mapreduce
MongoDB provides several data structures for indexing, such as B-tree, and two-dimensional and spherical GeoSpatial indexes.
Whenever a new collection is created, Mongo automatically creates an index by the
. -
Index can also be built on nested values.
This following query shows all indexis in the database:
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collection) { print("Indexes for the " + collection + " collection:"); printjson(db[collection].getIndexes()); });
To examine execution statistics, use a command like the following:
is useful for testing a specific query. For a more comprehensive profiling, use the system profiler by using the function.setProfilingLevel(...)
, which creates a new object in thesystem.profile
collection, which you can read for profiling stats.
Indexing in Mongo is likely slower and more resource-intensive compared to indexing in a traditional RDBMS. As such, you should consider building indexes at off-peak times, as opposed to using automated index creation.
Mongo also comes with a range of command-line tools for various purposes (e.g., data dump, restoration).
function can be used to perform complex aggregation query in Mongo. -
function can be used to list commands available. -
Mongo supports mapreduce operation.
Day 3: Replica Sets, Sharding, GeoSpatial, and GridFS
We can neither write to a secondary node nor read directly from it.
Mongo only allows a single master.
Mongo requires an odd number of nodes, and in the event of failure / network partition, it requires a majority vote.
It is possible to bring up a arbiter node that only votes, but does no replicate data. It is also possible to increase voting rights on the servers (generally not recommended).
Mongo supports automatic sharding. To start a sharded start, use a command like the following:
mkdir ./data_dir_1 ./data_dir_2 mongod --shardsvr --dppath ./data_dir1 --port 27017 mongod --shardsvr --dppath ./data_dir2 --port 27018 # Config server for keeping track of which shard is storing what mkdir ./mongoconfig mongod --configsvr --replSet configSet --dpbath ./mongoconfig --port 27019 # We also need to connect to the config server and run # rs.initiate(...) to initialize the server. Details are omitted here. # Main server for client mongos --configdb configSet/localhost:27019 --port 27020 # We also need to connect to the client-facing server to (a) add the # shard servers using sh.addShard(...) for each shard server, (b) # enable sharding using db.runCommand({ enablesharding: "myDatabase" # }), and (c) specify the field to shard by, by using db.runCommand({ # shardcollection: "myDatabase.myCollection", key: {myKey: 1} })
Mongo's Strengths
Ability to handle huge amounts of data
User-friendliness: e.g., similarity between Mongo commandsand traditional SQL
Mongo's Weaknesses
Lack of schema: e.g., if there is a typo in the collection or field name, Mongo will not complain, it'll happily creata a new collection or field as the case may be.
Chapter 5 - CouchDB
Tool analogy:
Ratchet wrenches are light and convenient tools you carry around for a range of jobs, big and small. As with power drills, you can swap out variously sized bits like sockets or screws. Unlike a power drill that needs to be plugged into 120 volts of AC power, however, a wrench is happy to rest in your pocket and run on elbow grease. Apache CouchDB is like that. Able to scale down as well as up, it fits problem spaces of varying size and complexity with ease.
CouchDB is a JSON- and REST-based document-oriented database. It is designed with the web in mind.
CouchDB does not support ad-hoc querying at all. Indexed views must be produced by incremental mapreduce operations.
CouchDB supports a variety of deployment scenarios, from datacenter-scale and down to running on a single smartphone.
CouchDB uses an append-only storage model, and the data is easy to replicate, back up and restore.
Day 1: CRUD, Fauxton, and cURL Redux
All documents in CouchDB have an
field. Additionally, documents also have a_rev
filed that is update everytime the document changes. To update or delete an existing document, you must provide both an_id
and the matching_rev
. -
There are no transactions or locking in CouchDB.
All communications with CouchDB is REST-based.
Unlike MongoDB, in which you modiy documents in place, with CouchDB you always overwrite the entire document to make any change.
Day 2: Creating and Querying Views
CouchDB, a view is a window into the documents contained in a database. Views are the principal way that documents are accessed.
A view consists of mapper and reducer functions that are used to generate an ordered list of key-value pairs.
The mapper function is runned on each document. Within the mapper function, the
emit(<key>, <value>)
function may be called zero, once or multiple times to emit key-value pairs. These key-value pairs will form documents that are queryable by the key (assuming there is no reducer).
Views can be stored within CouchDB itself as design documents, and will be replicated like all other documents.
Day 3: Advanced Views, Changes API, and Replicating Data
The high-level outline of the steps CouchDB takse to build a view is as follows:
Send documents off to the mapper function.
Collect all the emitted values.
Sort emitted rows by their keys.
Send chunks of rows with the same keys to the reduce function.
If there was too much data to handle all reduction in a single call, call the reduce function again but with previously reduced values.
Repeat recursive calls to the reduce function as necessary until no duplicate keys remain.
Reduce functions in CouchDB takes three arguments:
, andrereduce
is a array of tuples—two element arrays containing the key emitted by the mapper and the =_id+ of the document that produced it. -
is an array of values corresponding to the keys. -
is a Boolean value that will be true if this invocation of the reduce function (in which case thekey
will benull
, andvalue
will be the products previous reducer calls).
Unlike other implementation of MapReduce which discards the values produced during the map stage, CouchDB keep the intermediate value until a change to a document would invalidate the data. When that happens, CouchDB will run mappers and reducers only for the updated data.
CouchDB provides a Changes API for watching a database for changes and getting updates instantly.
"The Changes API makes CouchDB a perfect candidate for a system of record."
There are three ways to use the Changes API: polling, long-polling, and continuous.
In the polling approach, the application sends a GET request, usually specifying a
parameter to get all the changes since.-
This is appropriate when the application can cope with long delays between updates.
In the long polling approach, CouchDB will keep the connection open for some time, waiting for changes to happen.
In the continuous approach, CounchDB will keep the connection open, and send JSON-serialized change notification objects as changes become available. If there is no changes for a certain period of time, CouchDB will close the connection with a terminal message.
It is possible to add a filter function to a view, so that when using the Changes API, route parameters can be used to filter for a subset of changes.
Replicating data in CouchDB
CouchDB supports multiple master nodes, i.e., master-master replication.
When there is conflicting changes, CouchDB uses a deterministic approach to always choose the same document as the "winner", while keeping the conflicted versions around so that application code can resolve the conflict.
CouchDB's Strengths
CouchDB is robust and stable.
CouchDB supports a variety of deployment situations, both large and small.
CouchDB's Weaknesses
CouchDB doesn't suppotr ad-hoc queries in any meaningful way.
Chapter 6 - Neo4j
Tool analogy:
A bungee cord is a helpful tool because you can use it to tie together the most disparate of things, no matter how awkwardly shapedor ill fitting they may be. In a lot of ways, Neo4j is the bungee cord of databases, a system intended not so much to store information about things as to tie them together and record their connections with each other.
Neo4j is a graph database, because it stores data a (mathematical) graph.
Neo4j is known for being "whiteboard friendly" because virtually any diagram that can be drawn using boxes and lines on a whiteboard can be store in Neo4j.
Neo4j focuses more on the relationships between values than on the commonalities among sets of values (such as collections of documents or tables of rows).
As such, it can store highly variable data in a natural and straight-forward way.
One (toy) example of such higly variable data as provided in the book is as follows:
Imagine you need to create a wine suggestions engine in which wines are categorized by different varieties, regions, wineries, vintages, and designations. Imagine that you also need to keep track of things like articles describing those wines written by various authors and to enable users to track their favorite wines.
Neo4j is small enough to be embedded into almost any application, and yet also supports master-slave replication to support large deployments (storing tens of billions of nodes and relationships).
Day 1: Graphs, Cypher, and CRUD
A node in Neo4j is a vertex between edges that may hold data. The data is stored as a set of key-value pairs. (Note that in traditional graph theory, these might be called vertices instead of nodes.)
Connections between nodes are called relationships (rather than edges).
The standard query language for Neo4j is Cypher.
A typical Cypher query looks like this:
MATCH [some set of nodes and/or relationships] WHERE [some set of properties holds] RETURN [some set of results captured by the MATCH and WHERE clauses]
In addition to
, we can create nodes and relationships usingCREATE
, and update them usingUPDATE
When creating and/or updating nodes, label(s) can be applied.
Some examples of queries that can be made in Neo4j:
For a particular node, find all the related nodes of a specific type
For a particuler node, find all friends of friends of that node (i.e., it takes two traversal along a relationship of a particular type to reach the destination node)
Cypher provides a variety of functions that act like stored procedure (e.g., string manipulation, calculating spatail distances).
We can also write our own functions in Java and call them from Cypher.
Neo4j also supports indexes and constraints.
Day 2: REST, Indexex, and Algorithms
Neo4j supports CRUD operations over REST.
Neo4j supports finding paths between nodes, for example:
all simple paths (no loops)
all paths (allowing loops)
Dijsktra (i.e., weighted edges).
Neo4j supports full-text search inverted index, using Lucene.
Day 3: Distributed High Availability
Neo4j is ACID-compliant by default, but running it in high-availability will lose pure ACID-compliant transactions.
Neo4j in HA mode is eventually consistent.
The master server is Neo4j is responsible for managing data distribution.
The slave servers in Neo4j accept write, which will be synchronized with the master, which will then propagate those changes to the other slaves.
Neo4j's Strengths
Good for unstructured data, in many ways even more so than document databases.
"Graph traversals are constant time."
Neo4j's Weaknesses
Neo4j currently does not support sharding.
Chapter 7 - DynamoDB
Tool analogy:
Earth movers are epic pieces of machinery, able to shuffle around massive bits of dirt and other material with great eas. DynamoDB is a bit like the rented earth mover of NoSQL databases. You don't have to build it yourself or fix it when it's broken; you just have to drive it and pay for your usage. But it's complex to handle so you'll need to make very intelligent decisions about how to use it lest you end up incurring unexpected costs or jamming the engine.
DynamoDB is a cloud-based database available only through AWS.
Some sense fo DynamoDB's support for scale:
You can store as many items as you want in any DynamoDB table.
Each item (the equivalent of a row in an SQL database) can hold as many attributes as you want, although there is a hard size limit of 400 KB per item.
Assuming data modeling is done right, there will be very little performance degradation even when the tables store petabytes of data.
DynamoDB's data model strongly resembles that of a key-value store, such as Redis.
In DynamoDB, you use the control plane to perform operations like creating, modifying and deleting tables.
You store items inside of tables.
Items roughly correspond to rows in RDBMS.
Items consist of one or more attributes, which roughly correspond to RDBMS columns.
DynamoDB requires you to define some aspects of tables at the outset, most importantly the structure of keys and local secondary indexes, but is otherwise schemaless.
DynamoDB allows querying based on secondary indexes rather than solely on the basis of a primary key.
E.g., you can select items from a table with filter on the secondary index. The filter may be a range.
DynamoDB supports both eventually consistent and also strongly consistent ACID-compliant modes, and the desired mode can be specified on a per-read basis.
Consistent reads "cost" twice as much in terms of read capacity than non-consistent reads.
DynamoDB supports only item-level consistency, which is analogous to row-level consistency in RDBMS.
Day 1: Let's Go Shopping!
DynamoDB's Data Types
DynamoDB offers five simple types: null, number, Booleans, strings and binary strings.
DynamoDB also offers some set and document types (e.g., a set of strings, a list of heterogenous simple types, and a map with strings as keys and values of any type).
DynamoDB provides two types of keys: hash and range.
Some guidelines when designing keys:
If you're using a hash key as your partition key, you should always strive for a data model in which the application knows the key in advance because this will enable you to target the item directly rather than relying on range and other queries.
You should use partition keys that don't cluster around just a few values. This is because the partition key determines where data is stored.
In cases where you ned to use a composite key—a hash key plus a range key—you should opt for fewer partition keys and more range keys.
For example, if your system requires keying on user IDs and date, and the number of unique dates is greater than the number of unique user IDs, then the user ID should be used as the hash key with the date used as the range/sort key.
Local secondary indexes let you query or scan attributes outside of your primary hash and sort key.
The word "local" means items sharing a partition key.
Note that local secondary indexes can't be modified after a table has been created.
Global secondary indexes are indexes that aren't restricted to items with the same partition key.
Day 2: Building a Streaming Data Pipeline
You shouldn't use DynamoDB unless you are after extremely good performance at massive scale.
DynamoDB allows setting read capacity units (RCUs) and write capacity units (WCUs) separately for every table. 1 WCU is 1 KB per second, and 1 RCU is 4 KB per second.
Day 3: Building an "Internet of Things" System Around DynamoDB
Amazon's Data Pipeline can be used to easily export data from DynamoDB into other places (e.g., into S3, which can be made queryable using SQL via Athena).
DynamoDB's Strengths
The bulk of the usual operational tasks (like installing the server, and maintaining and tuning it) is taken care of by Amazon.
DynamoDB's Weaknesses
You have to make sure that the problem meshes well with DynamoDB's partitioning system. Effort might be required to ensure the data model matches.
Chapter 8 - Redis
Tool analogy:
Redis is like grease. It's most often used to lubricate moving parts and keep them working smoothly by reducing friction and speeding up their overall function. Whatever the machinery of your system, it could very well be improved with a bit poured over it. Sometimes the answer to your problem is simply a judicious use of more Redis.
Day 1: CRUD and Datatypes
Useful commands in Redis includes:
Basic setting and getting:
SET myKey myValue
GET myKey
MSET myKey1 myValue1 myKey2 myValue2 ...
MGET myKey1 myKey2 ...
Basic numeric operations:
SET count 2
INCR count
GET count
(returns 3)
> MULTI OK > SET myKey myValue QUEUED > INCR count QUEUED > EXEC OK (integer) 4 // Assuming count was 3 before this
Complex Datatypes
Redis commands generally follows the following naming convention:
SET commands begin with
Commands dealing with hashes begin with
Commands dealing with sorted sets begin with
Commands dealing with lists begin with either
(for left) orR
(for right)Hashes
Hashes in Redis associates a key to multiple key-value pairs, for example:
// HMSET <main key> <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ... > HMSET menu:macdonalds breakfast hashbrown lunch mcspicy OK > HVALS menu:macdonalds 1) "hashbrown" 2) "mcspicy" > HKEYS menu:macdonalds 1) "breakfast" 2) "lunch" > HGET menu:macdonalds lunch "mcspicy"
Lists contain multiple ordered values and can act as both queues and stacks. There are also operations for inserting into the middle, constraining the size, and moving values between lists.
> RPUSH posts:top-visited postID1 postID2 postID3 (integer) 3 // Retrieves items 0 through -1 from list > LRANGE posts:top-visited 0 -1 1) postID1 2) postID2 3) postID3 // Removes all items matching postID2 // LREM <key> <how-many-to-remove> <value-to-remove> > LREM posts:top-visited 0 postID2 // Removes and retrieves one value > LPOP posts:top-visited "postID1" // Pops items from one list into another // RPOPLPUSH <list-from> <list-to>
Blocking Lists
// Pops a value from the list, waiting for up to 300 seconds if no item exist
> BRPOP myList 300
Sets are unordered collections with no duplicate values.
// myValue1 in example below will be deduplicated > SADD myKey myValue1 myValue2 myValue3 myValue1 ... // Return the intersection of sets > SINTER set1 set2 // Return everything in set1 but not in set2 > SDIFF set1 set2 // Find the union of sets > SUNION set1 set2 // Store union of existing sets into new set > SUNIONSTORE setNew set1 set2 // SMOVE can be used to move item from one set to another // SPOP removes a random value from the set
Sorted Sets
Elements in sorted sets are:
ordered like in lists,
unique like in sets,
field-value pairs like hashes (though in sorted set, the fields are numeric scores denoting the order of the values instead of plain strings).
Inserts take log(N) time, instead of the constant time for hashes or lists.
// Add to sorted set "pagevisit" the three field-value pairs > ZADD pagevisits 369 home 123 about 666 faqs (integer) 3 // Increment the count of faqs by 1 > ZINCRBY pagevisits 1 faqs "667" // Retrieve values in positions 0 to 1, both inclusive. Results are sorted in // ascending order. > ZRANGE pagevisits 0 1 1) "about" 2) "home" // Retrieve values with by index scores (i.e., the field), and in reverse // order. > ZREVRANGE pagevisits 0 -1 WITHSCORES 1) "faqs" 2) "667" 3) "home" 4) "369" 5) "about" 6) "123" // Retrieve values by scores (both inclusive) > ZRANGEBYSCORE pagevisits 123 369 1) "about" 2) "home" // Retrieve values by scores (123 not inclusive) > ZRANGEBYSCORE pagevisits (123 369 1) "home" // Retrieve entire set > ZRANGEBYSCORE pagevisits -inf inf 1) "about" 2) "home" 3) "faqs" // Use the commands ZREMRANGEBYRANK and ZREMRANGEBYSCORE for removal by // position and score respectively. // Sorted sets also supports union operation: // ZUNIONSTORE <destination-set> <num-keys> key [key ...] // [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX]
> SET theBomb "has been planted" OK > EXPIRE theBomb 10 (integer) 1 > EXISTS theBomb (integer) 1 // After 10 seconds > EXISTS theBomb (integer) 0 // Set key and expiry in one command: > SETEX theBomb 10 "has been planted" // Checking the TTL > TTL theBomb (integer) 4 // i.e., 4 seconds left // Remove expiry (only works if an item is not expired) > PERSIST theBomb
Database Namespaces
Redis support namespaces. In Redis nomenclature, a namespace is called a database and is keyed by number. The default namespace is
. -
> SET myKey myValue OK > SELECT 1 // Switch to database 1 OK > GET myKey (nil) // myKey does not exist in database 1 > SELECT 0 OK > MOVE myKey 2 // Move myKey to database 2 (integer) 2 > SELECT 2 OK > GET myKey "myValue"
Day 2: Advanced Usage, Distribution
Redis has a TCP interface where raw strings command can be used.
Redis provides
commands for simple pub-sub. -
commands prints several information about the server.Configurations
The default snapshotting configuration will trigger a save every 60 seconds if 10,000 keys changed, every 300 seconds if 10 keys changed, and 900 seconds if 1 key changed:
save 900 1 save 300 10 save 60 10000
setting andAUTH
command in Redis supports setting of plaintext passwords. But security is better achieve via firewalls and SSH.
The dangerous
command which deletes all keys can be disabled by renaming the command to an empty string in the configuration file:rename-command FLUSHALL ""
Redis provides a benchmarking tool that connects locally to port 6379 by default and issues 10,000 requests using 50 parallel clients.
Master-Slave Replication
Redis supports master-slave replication.
A simple master-slave replication set-up can be achieved by simply copying the configuration of the master to the slave, and adding a line like
slaveof <master-ip> <master-port>
.Redis Cluster
Redis providse a cluster mode that automatically shards keys across multiple master nodes. Some client implementation (e.g., in Ruby) provides access to this cluster mode. As of 2020.12.26, it seems that the popular Python client redis-py does not provide this feature.
Bloom Filters
commands in Redis allow implementation of efficient bloom filters.
Day 3: Playing with Other Databases
Chapter 9 - Wrapping Up
How databases store their data can largely be divided into five genres:
Implemented as two-dimensional tables with rows and columns, based on set theory.
Types are enforced.
Some databases (like PostgreSQL) provides many useful extensions.
Good For
When the layout of the data is known in advance but how you plan to use the data later may not be.
I.e., you pay the organizational complexity up front to achieve query flexibility later.
Not-So-Good For:
When the data is highly variable or deeply hierarchical.
Data problems that exhibit a high degree of record-to-record variation will be problematic.
Generally provides fast look-up because the keys are stored like a hashtable.
Depending on the database, the keys can be mapped to simple values like strings, but also to complex values like a huge hashtable.
Good For:
Easy horizontal scaling, extremely fast, or both.
Particularly suitable for problems where the data are not highly related. For example, user session data in a web application: each user's session activity will be different and largely unrelated to the activity of other users.
Not-So-Good For:
Because such databases generally lack indexes and scanning capbilities, they are not suited for situations where queries beyond the basic CRUD is required.
Yong Jie: Please note that the summary provided by the book seem to be based only on HBase's implementation.
Columns are inexpensive to add (unlike in traditional RDBMS).
HBase is a classic implementation of columnar database. (Yong Jie: This statement might not be very accurate because HBase seems to be a nested hashmap.)
Good For:
Columnar databases have traditionally been developed with horizontal scalability in mind, and are thus suited to big data.
Not-So-Good For:
Different columnar databases have rather different features, and require careful consideration of the requirements vs feature set.
Generally, columnar database are require designing of the schema based on how you intend to query the data. So if it is not possible to design the data in advance, columnar database may not be appropriate.
Allows for any number of fields per object and arbitrary levels of nesting (by nesting document as fields of other document(s)).
Generally uses JSON.
Generalyl easy to shard and replicate across several servers.
Examples: MongoDB and CouchDB.
Good For:
Problems involving highly variable domains, when you don't know in advance what exactly your data will look like.
Not-So-Good For:
Joining data across documents; generally, the document should contain all the relevant information.
Focuses more on the interrelation between data nodes than the actual values stored in those nodes.
Good For:
Networking applications (e.g., social network).
"If you can model your data on a whiteboard, you can model it in a graph."
Not-So-Good For:
Doesn't scale out well.
It is likely that if you are using a graph database, it'll be one piece of a larger system, with the bulk of the data stored elsewhere, and only the relationships maintained in the graph.
Making a Choice
Appendix 2 - The CAP Theorem
CAP proves that you can create a distributed database that can have at most two out of three of the following qualities:
consistent (writes are atomic and all subsequent requests retrieve the new value),
available (the database will always return a value as long as a single server is running),
partition tolerant (the system will still function even if server communication is temporarirly lost—i.e., there is a network partition)
A CA system that gives up partition tolerant is essentially not distributed, and is unlikely to be in common use.
Eventual Consistency
The idea behind eventual consistency is that each node is always available to serve requests. As a trade-off, data modifications are propagated in the background to other nodes. This means that at any time the system may be inconsistent, but the data is still largely accurate.
The Internet's DNS is a prime example of an eventually consistent system. After registering a domain, it may take a few days to propagate to all DNS servers across the Internet, but the individual servers are still available in the interim.
CAP in the Wild
Redis, PostreSQL, and Neo3J are consistent and available (CA); they don't distribute data and so partitioning is not an issue.
MongoDB and HBase are generally consistent and partition tolerant (CP).
In practice, hardware failure is handled gracefully—other still-networked nodes can cover for the downed server—but strictly speaking, in the CAP theorem sense, they are unavailable.
CouchDB is available and partition tolerant (AP). Even though two or more CouchDB servers can replicate data between them, CouchDB doesn't guarantee consistency between any two servers.
Note however that the databases listed above can generally be configured to change their CAP type.
The Latency Trade-Off
It is important to consider more than just the CAP theorem when choosing database.
One other important factor might be latency.
To Internalize Now
To Learn/Do Soon
How does write-ahead logging works in the case of HBase?
How to design a schema for HBase?
To Revisit When Necessary
Chapter 2 - PostgreSQL
Day 2: Advanced Queries, Code, and Rules
Refer to this section for an example of how to use PostgreSQL to generate pivot table.
Day 3: Full Text and Multidimensions
Refer to this section for an example of how to do text-related operations in PostgreSQL, including wildcard search based on character matching, word-based search using
operator, and similar sounding text search using metaphones. -
Refer to this section for an example usages of the
datatype provided by a contributed package. This datatype supports querying for nearest neighbors with n-dimensions.
Chapter 3 - HBase
Day 1: CRUD and Table Administration
Refer to this section for some ideas on how to design the schema for HBase.
Chapter 4 - MongoDB
Day 2: Indexing, Aggregating, and MapReduce
Refer to this section for an example of mapreduce in Mongo.
Day 3: Replica Sets, Sharding, GeoSpatial, and GridFS
Refer to this section for a simple example on how to use MongoDB for efficient and simple geospatial query (i.e., finding nearby location using latitudes and longitudes).
Chapter 5 - CouchDB
Day 2: Creating and Querying Views
Day 3: Advanced Views, Changes API, and Replicating Data
Refer to this section for an example of how to use the Changes API using long polling approach.
Chapter 6 - Neo4j
Day 1: Graphs, Cypher, and CRUD
Refer to this section for a moderately extensive (toy) example about storing information about (a) wines, wineries, and publications, and (b) people affiliated with the wines and relationships among these people.
Chapter 7 - DynamoDB
Day 2: Building a Streaming Data Pipeline
Refer to this section for an example of a sensor data streaming application using Amazon Kinesis, Lambda and DynamoDB.
Day 3: Building an "Internet of Things" System Around DynamoDB
Refer to this section for an example of a AWS Data Pipeline involving exporting data from DynamoDB into S3 for querying using SQL via Athean.
Chapter 8 - Redis
Day 3: Playing with Other Databases
Refer to this chapter for an example of a polyglot persistence model, using CouchDB as the system of record (the canoncial data source), Neo4j to handle data relationships, and Redis to help with data population and caching.
Appendix 1 - Database Overview Tables
Refer to this appendix for helpful comparison tables for the seven databases covered, across numerous metrics ranging from implementation language, interface protocol, replication strategies, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Other Resources Referred To
Dynamo: amazon's highly available key-value store:
This is a research paper by Amazon containing information about their dynamo key-value store. Although it is not clear to what extent does AWS's DynamoDB actually follows the paper, the paper is nonetheless an interesting exploration of distributed database concepts.