The Algorithm Design Manual (2nd Edition) - Chapters 1 and 2

Book Details

  • Full Title: The Algorithm Design Manual (2nd Edition) - Chapters 1 and 2

  • Author: Steven S. Skiena

  • ISBN/URL: 978-1-84800-069-8

  • Reading Period: 2019.11–2019.11

  • Source: Googl-ing on what is a good book for data structures and algorithms

General Review

  • Read this book to get a good understanding (with sufficient but not too much depth) in algorithim design.

  • Chapters 1 and 2 covers general concepts behind algorithmic thinking and also basic big-O notation.

Specific Takeaways

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Algorithm Design

  • There are several well-known problem types where finding the optimal solution is prohibitively computationally intensive, and heuristics might be applied (but which usually have a worst case scenario to watch out for).

    • An example is the travelling salesman problem. Examples of heuristics that will not provide the optimal solutions is all cases include:

      • Always travelling to the closest neighbor next

      • Connect all points starting from points that are closer, each point can only be connected to two other points, repeat until all points are connected, and the result is the path

  • The difference between algorithm and heuristics is that the former always produce a correct result whereas the latter "usually do a good job without providing any guarantee".

  • The difference between correctness and efficiency is that correctness means producing the desired output (e.g., sorted list, finding out the shortest path), whereas efficiency refers to the computational efficiency (or space efficiency etc.).

    • The goal is always to find an algorithm that is both correct and efficient, though this may not always be possible. Sometimes we choose an efficiency algorithm with some heuristics that provides a correct result most of the time (or a mostly correct result).

  • Always try to decompose the problem (in story form) into something more formal. For example:

    • The travelling salesman problem can be thought of as a problem of connecting points on a 2D plane.

    • The movie scheduling problem (i.e., how should a movie star choose among movie projects that may overlap in schedules in order to maximize the number of movie the movie star can participate in) can be thought of as selecting a non-overlapping subset of intervals on a number line.

  • Most problems can be decomposed into the following:

    • Permutations - where the story has words like "arrangement", "tour", "ordering" or "sequence"

    • Subsets - where the story has words like "cluster", "collection", "committee", "group", "packaging" or "selection"

    • Trees - where the story has words like "hierarchy", "dominance relationship", "ancestor/descendant relationship" or "taxonomy"

    • Graphs - where the story has words like "network", "circuit", "web", or "relationship"

    • Points - where the story has words like "sites", "positions", "data records" or "locations"

    • Polygons - where the story has words like "shapes", "regions", "configurations", or "boundaries"

    • Strings - where the story has words like "text", "characters", "patterns" or "labels"

  • It helps to think in terms of summation (i.e., Σ) when calculating algorithmic efficiency. For example:

    • A loop where the amount of work in each iteration is proportional to the iteration number can be modelled as an arithmetic progression

    • A loop where the amount of work in each iteration is proportional to a constant raised to the iteration number can be modelled as a geometric progression. Recall that if the constant is smaller than one, the geometric progress converges to a constant.

Chapter 2 - Algorithm Analysis

  • The formal definition of Big O notation are:

    • f(n) = O(g(n)) means c . g(n) is an upper bound on f(n). I.e., there exists some constant C such that f(n) is always <= c . g(n), for large enough n.

    • f(n) = Ω(g(n)) means c . g(n) is a lower bound on f(n), for large enough n.

    • f(n) = Θ(g(n)) means c1 . g(n) is an upper bound and c2 . g(n) is a lower bound on f(n), for large enough n.

  • The common functions are lg n, n, n lg n, n^2, 2^n, and n!.

    • lg n occurs when the problem is halved after every step.

    • n occurs when each element must be iterated through.

    • n lg n occurs in quicksort and mergesort.

    • n^2 occurs when the problem requires looking at most or all pairs of n elements, e.g., in insertion sort and selection sort.

    • 2^n occurs when enumerating all subsets of n items.

    • n! occurs when generating all permutations of n items.

  • There are also other more esoteric functions (e.g., =log log n), so just be aware.

  • Basic mathematical operations can be applied to big O functions:

    • O(f(n)) + O(g(n)) –> O(max(f(n), g(n)), same for Ω and Θ

    • Multiplying by a positive constant does not affect the functions

    • O(f(n)) * O(g(n)) –> O(f(n) * g(n)), same for Ω and Θ

  • When simplifying complex big O functions, try the following:

    • Choose two expressions, and see if they can be simplified to a single upper bound. For example, in O(n + m + ...), if we know m < n for meaningful data (e.g., we are searching for a m length string in an n length text), then we know n + m < 2n, it follows that O(n + m) = O(n), and we can replace the n + m in the original function with just a single n

    • Similar to the reason above, we can replace O(n + nm) with O(nm) if we know n < nm for meaningful values of n and m

    • -n^2 is a strictly positive term (assuming no complex numbers)

To Internalize Now

  • Things I should put into my day-to-day toolbox:

    • Try to analyze algorithmic efficiency whenever possible.

To Learn/Do Soon

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To Revisit When Necessary

  • Do the exercise at the end of the chapters to revise the concepts covered.

Other Resources Referred To

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