The Algorithm Design Manual (2nd Edition) - Chapters 5 and 6
Book Details
Full Title: The Algorithm Design Manual (2nd Edition) - Chapters 5 and 6
Author: Steven S. Skiena
ISBN/URL: 978-1-84800-069-8
Reading Period: 2019.11–2019.11
Source: Googl-ing on what is a good book for data structures and algorithms
General Review
These chapters touch on not just the classic graph algorithms, but also how different problems might be structured as graph problems, such that these classic graph algorithms might be applied.
Specific Takeaways
Chapter 5
When looking a graphs, it might make sense to consider the following properties:
Undirected vs directed
Weighted vs unweighted
Simple vs non-simple (e.g., can a vertex has an edge pointing to itself; can there be more than one directed or undirected edge form vertices i to j)
Sparse vs dense
Cyclic vs acyclic
Embedded vs topological (whether the vertices has geographical meaning)
Implicit vs explicit (i.e., certain graphs are not explicitly built and traversed, but are built as we use them)
Labelled vs unlabelled
Graphs can be represented as adjacency matrices or adjacency lists, each with different advantages for different operations. Adjacency lists are generally better for most problemse
When traversing graphs, it makes sense to keep track of which vertices is undiscovered, discovered, processed. Additionally, for depth-first search, it makes sense to keep track of when each vertex is first entered and exited.
A general implementation of breadth-first search and depth-first search includes vertex processing early, followed by edge processing, followed by vertex processing late; by changing what happens in the vertex processing early and vertex processing late, different results may be achieved.
BFS can be used to find shortest path, connected components, for coloring vertices, etc.
DFS can be used to:
find cycles (by finding back edges)
articulation vertices (by keeping track of the earliest reachable ancestor from each vertex)
topological sorting
find strongly connected components
Chapter 6 - Weighted Graph Algorithms
One common problem with weighted graphs is to find the minimum spanning tree. This can be done using various algorithms:
Prim's Algorithm:
Starting from an arbitrary vertex, build a spanning tree, adding the next vertex with the shortest distance from the tree each time.
Kruskal's Algorithm:
Starting from the shortest edge, connect the two vertices of that edge the form a connected component; skip if the vertices are already in the same component.
The union-find data-structure is used to combine the vertices from two different components to form a single connected component, and also to check whether two vertices are already in the same connected component.
Another common proble with weighted graphs is to find the shortest path. This can be done using variosu algorithms:
Dijkstra's Algorithm:
The intuition is that in order to find the shortest path from start vertex
to target vertext
, and assuming the shortest path passes through intermediate vertexx
, we must first find the shortest path froms
. -
Starting from
, iterate through the edges ofs
and (a) keep track of the shortest distance froms
to each of the vertices by initializing the shortest distance to be the weight along the edge froms
, and (b) add the vertex with the shortest distance to the traversal tree -
Visit all the edges of the newly added vertex
, update the shortest distance froms
to be the minimum of (a) the current shortest distance tos
, and (b) the current shortest distance tov
plus the weight of along the edge fromv
to each of the vertices connected fromv
; then add the next vertex that has the shortest distance tos
, repeat untilt
is reached.
Floyd's All-Pairs Shortest Path:
Using an adjacency matrix, iterate through each vertex
, and update the shortest path fromi
to be the shortest path fromi
, andk
. -
At the end of the iteration, we have the shortest path reachable from all pairs of vertices.
When framing a problem as a graph-problem, consider the problem of bipartite graph matching, where the problem is to find a set of edges that does not share any vertices.
For example, if we are required to pair off people in a group, and each person may only be paired with particular people, and we want to find the set of pairings where everyone gets paired up.
The largest bipartite pairing can be solved using network flow. For example, if the problem is to match the most people to jobs, we can use network flow by connecting the source to vertices representing each person, and sink to vertices representing each job, the person vertices will be connected to job vertices if that particular person can perform that particular job. The maximum flow that is found indicates the largest bipartite pairing.
Algorithm for finding largest network flow in an undirected weighted graph:
Augment the representation of the undirected graph by adding a directed edge (
) and a directed edge (j
) for each undirected egde. The directect edge (i
) will have an initial residual equals to the weight of the original undirected edge (i
) and a flow of0
, whereas the reverse directed edge (j
) will have an initial residual of0
. -
Perform breadth-first search on the graph from source
to sinkt
Obtain the maximum flow volume from the search path from
, being the edge along the path with the lowest capacity -
Update the flow, residual of each edge along the path; and update the residual of the reverse edge of each edge along the path
Perform another breadth-first search, ignoring edges with
residual. Repeat the process of calculating the maximum flow from the new traversal path and updating the flow and residuals until the subsequent breadth-first search yields no path with volume >0
To Internalize Now
Always try to figure out whether a prblem can be framed as a graph problem, and apply classic graph algorithms to solve the problem.
To Learn/Do Soon
Read chapters 15 and 16 of The Algorithm Design Manual to see examples of how graph-based problem-solving might be used, and develop an intuition to do so myself.
To Revisit When Necessary
There is probably no need to revisit these chapters for the algorithms themselves; however, a revisit will be helpful to put things in perspective: how graph structure, graph algorithms, and graph problem solving works, and how the graph algorithms relates to each other depending on graph structure: undirect -> directed -> weighted.
Other Resources Referred To
Perhaps refer to the resources referred to in the Chapter Notes to learn more about network flow.