The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business
Book Details
Full Title: The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business
Author: Ethan M. Rasiel
ISBN/URL: 0-07-136883-3
Reading Period: 2020.03
Source: Googl-ing on the books every consultant must read
General Review
Read this book if you want to get a brief insight into what consultants do.
This book touches on several established ways of solving business problems, managing teams, selling ideas etc.
Specific Takeaways
The McKinsey Way of Thinking about Business Problems
Building the Solution
Solution for client's problem must be (1) fact-based, (2) rigidly structured, and (3) hypothesis-driven
Being fact-based helps in the lack of instinct (because consultants generally do not have the same familiarity with the business or industry) and lends credibility
Being MECE (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) helps in structuring the solution
Define the Initial Hypothesis (i.e., what might be the solution to the problem)
Start by breaking down the problem into its key drivers
Next, make an actionable recommendation regarding each driver
Next, take each top-line recommendation and break it down into level of issues
If a given recommendation is correct, what issues does it raise? Consider the likely answers to each issue. Then go down another level. For each issue, what analyses would you need to make to prove or disprove your hypothesis?
Test the Initial Hypothesis
Developing an Approach
The Problem is Not Always the Problem
Figure out whether the problem given is the real problem by digging deeper
Don't Reinvent the Wheel
Use established problem-solving methods like: Analysis of Value Added, Business Process Redesign, Product-Market Scan etc.
Use analytical frameworks (e.g., Forces at Work)
Forces at Work:
identify client’s suppliers, customers, competitors, and possible substitute products
identify the changes in each of the categories above, and the impact on client
how will the changes affect the way the client designs, manufactures, distributes, sells, and services its products
… But Every Client is Unique (No Cookie-Cutter Solutions)
Don't Make the Facts Fit Your Solution
Make Sure Your Solution Fits Your Client
The most brilliant solution, backed up by libraries of data and promising billions in extra profits, is useless if your client or business can’t implement it. Know your client. Know the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities—what management can and cannot do. Tailor your solutions with these factors in mind.
Sometimes You Have to Let the Solution Come to You
If you cannot think of any Initial Hypothesis, proceed with data gathering to get a better picture of the situation
Some Problems You Just Can't Solve… Solve Them Anyway
When the problem seems unsolvable, try the following:
Redefine the problem (early)
Tweak your way to a solution – if the solution cannot be implemented by the client for any reasons, tweak the solution before implementation
Work through the politics – if politics is preventing you from formulating / implementing a solution, think about the incentives of various players in the organization, and try to align to such incentives
80/20 and Other Rules to Live By
Don't boil the ocean – learn to know what to ignore
Find the Key Drivers
The Elevator Test – be able to summarize the key points into a very short and powerful package
Pluck the Low-Hanging Fruit
Make a Chart Everyday – make a record of what was learned every day and what insight can be drawn
Hit Singles (baseball metaphor) – don't try to do too much; focus instead of consistently delivering what you are supposed to do; if you set up high expectations and do not achieve it, you will lose any hard-earned credibility
Look at the Big Picture – is what you are doing leading you towards the eventual goal?
Just Say, "I Don't Know"
Don't Accept "I Have No Idea" – people always have an idea when probed further; if he or she is not certain, an educated guess can be made
The McKinsey Way of Working to Solve Business Problems
Selling a Study
How to Sell Without Selling
Instead of hardselling, McKinsey markets its brand, such that businesses know who to call when there is a problem to be solved
McKinsey markets through publications, having its partners sit on various boards, etc.
Be Careful What You Promise: Structuring an Engagement
Be careful about scope, make sure it's achievable
Assembling a Team
Getting the Right Mix
Consider raw intellect and also relevant experience
Understanding the problem, and get people with the necessary skills. E.g., if the problem requires heavy number crunching and deep analysis, get people who are comfortable with that; if the problem requires big reorganization with many sensitive decisions to be made, get people with good people skills
A Little Team Bonding Goes A Long Way
Learn also to respect each team member's time outside work, and avoid taking up those time for bonding activities if possible
Take Your Team's Temperature to Maintain Morale
Make sure each team member is happy with what he or she is doing, and take remedial actions immediately if he or she is not
Steer a steady course – don't change your mind about team priorities and analyses all the time
Let team members know why they are doing what they are doing
Get to know your teammates as people – whether married, any hobbies, etc.; also share about yourself
When things doesn't well: show empathy
Managing Hierarchy
Make Your Boss Look Good
Keep information flowing so your boss knows what you are doing
An Aggressive Strategy for Managing Hierarchy
In a less hierachical organization, it might be possible to assert equality across seniority level in a positive way: e.g., pointing out your boss's mistakes to earn trust from your boss
Doing Research
Don't Reinvent the Wheel
Specific Research Tips
Start with the annual report – the "Message to Shareholders" or "Chairman's Remarks", when read with healthy amount of skepticism provides a good sense of the company's performance in the past year, and its strategy moving forward
Look for outliers
Look for best practice – find out what the best performers in the industry are doing and imitate them
Conducting Interviews
Be Prepared: Write An Interview Guide
What are the questions I need answered?
What do I really need from this interview? What am I trying to achieve? Why am I talking to this person?
Know the background of the interviewee – is she a prickly CEO? or a middle-level manager whose plea for change have gone unheeded?
Start with general questions before going to specific (and more sensitive) questions – e.g., start with anodyne questions about the industry
Ask some questions that I already know the answer to:
To gain further insight about how honest/knowledgeable the interviewee is
To discover any blind spots that I might have
End the interview by asking if there's anything else the interviewee would like to add, if if there's any question that I missed
When Conducting Interview, Listen and Guide
Allow the interviewee to talk more
Indicate interest by leaning in, taking notes, and giving verbal cues (like, "oh, yes", "uh-huh")
To get more from the interviewee, try letting the silence dangle after the interviewee has finished, and wait for him to continue talking
Seven Tips for Successful Interviewing
Have the interviewee's boss set up the meeting
Interview in pairs – take turns asking questions and taking notes
Listen; don't lead – in most interviews, I will be looking not for yes-or-no answers, but exhaustive answers; ask open-ended questions instead of multiple choice questions
Paraphrase, paraphrase, paraphrase – repeat the answer back to the interviewee (preferrably with stucture applied) to check whether I understood them correctly. This is especially important because when people given impromptu answers, they will not be able to emphasize or provide sufficient structure to the answer
Use the Indirect Approach
Being too direct might force the interviewee into a defensive mode, resulting in less information being revealed
Don't Ask Too Much
To avoid being inundated by irrelevant information
To avoid pressing the interviewee to hard, and closing the door to future interviews / more information
Adopt the Columbo tactic
After the interview is over, when everyone is ready to leave (and has his or her guard down), as the important question
Don't Leave the Interviewee Naked
Try to allay any fear the interviewee may have; one way to do this is to show how the process (not just the interview, but the whole problem solving process) will benefit him
Be willing to share information with the interviewee too. People don't like to be kept in the dark
Difficult Interviews
People who are openly aggressive
If my backing is more senior than the difficult person, I can openly challenge him to show that I'm not to be trifled with
People who refuse to talk or give access to relevant documents or data
I will need to pull rank, or threaten to do so
People who refuse to get to the point
Either find someone else to get the information from, or speak to the person's boss to explain the situation and get the boss to have a word with him
People who will likely be fired because of my work
Nothing much I can do
Always Write a Thank You Note
Proper Prior Preparation
Prepare a fact pack, circulate it, and make sure everyone reads it prior to the meeting
Decide whether everyone should go to the meeting with a (1) blank slate, or (2) a hypothesis
In a White Room
Don't bring any preconceptions into the room
There are no bad idea
There are no dumb questions
Be prepared to kill your babies – don't be married to my hypothesis
Know when to say when – stop or take a break when productivity drops
Get it down on paper
Some Brainstorming Exercises
Post-it notes – everyone write ideas to a post-it note and pass it to the leader, who reads it aloud; this allows quick generation of ideas without being bogged down by discussing the details
Flipchart – put a number of flipchart around the room, each labelled with a different category or issue, and team members go around the room writing down idea in the appropriate flipchart
Bellyaches up front – invite all relevant players into a room to explain what they didn't like about what was presented so far, followed by coming up with things they thought were good, and how such things might be implemented within their own business units
The McKinsey Way of Selling Solutions
Making Presentations
Be Structured
Remember that there are diminishing marginal returns to effort
Try setting a deadline before the actual presentation after which there will be no further amendments to the slide deck
Prewire Everything
A good business presentation should contain nothing new for the audience. Walk all the players at the client through your findings before you gather them into one room.
Before the final presentation at the full meeting, run the solution through the various stakeholders individually in private, in order to spot issues and address any disagreement
Displaying Data with Charts
Keep it Simple—One Message Per Chart
Choose a good caption at the top of the chart, conveying the intended message
Always put a source attribution to avoid questions like "Where did you get this information?"
Use a Waterfall Chart to Show The Flow
Using vertical columns to show how a value is arrived at (e.g., a waterfall chart may start with Net Sales on the far left, followed by various Expenses, Depreciation/Amortization, Interest Income, Taxes etc., ultimately resulting in the Net Income on the far right. This will show how the components resulted in the final value)
Managing Internal Communications
Keep the Information Flowing
There are two main ways to keep information flowing: messages and meetings
For meetings, always have an agenda and leader
One way to ensure everyone attends the meeting is to block out the same timing every week, and cancelling the session (as early as possible) if no meeting is required
Three Keys to an Effective Message
brevity, thoroughness and structure
Always Look Over Your Shoulder
Be very careful about confidentiality
Working with Clients
Keep the Client Team on Your Side
Make their goals my goal
Let them understand that this is an opportunity they can make actual change in their organization
Let them understand that in any case, it is an opportunity for them to learn and get exposed to things they would not have been exposed to otherwise
How to Deal with "Liability" Client Team Members
There are two types of "liability" members on a clietn team: merely useless and actively hostile
If possible, try to swap the "liability" members out
if the "liability" member is merely useless, work around the member by giving him non-critical work
if the "liability" member is actively hostile, keep any sensitive information away from the member if possible
Engage the Client in the Process
Have frequent and regular updates to keep in touch with clients and keep my projects on "top of mind" for them
Get Buy-In Throughout the Organization
After presentation to the board, present to the middle-level managers; also do not neglect the people on the line
Target the presentation to the audience
Be Rigorous about Implementation
Make sure someone takes responsibility for getting the job done
The implementation plan should be specific about what will happen and whe
Surviving at McKinsey
Find Your Own Mentor
Surviving on the Road
A Good Assistant is a Lifeline
Recruiting McKinsey Style: How to Do It (and How to Get Through It)
If You Want a Life, Lay Down Some Rules
To Internalize Now
When approaching a problem, try thinking in terms of key drivers and hypothesis
To Learn/Do Soon
Find resources with examples on how to use McKinsey approach to coming up with the initial hypothesis
Find resources with examples on various established problem solving frameworks (e.g., Analysis of Value Added, Business Process Redesign, Product-Market Scan, Forces at Work)
Find out what are the various corporate databases available
To Revisit When Necessary
The topics presented are generally very concise. I should perhaps revisit if I need concrete examples of the concepts presented to jolt my memory.
Other Resources Referred To
For an in-depth discussion of the square law of computation and other issues of complexity and problem solving, see Gerald M. Weinberg, An Introduction to General Systems Thinking (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975)
Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies (New York: Harper&Row, 1982)
Gene Zelazny, Say It With Charts: The Executive’s Guide to Successful Presentations (Homewood, IL: Dow-Jones Irwin, 1985)