~ incoherent ramblings of a random guy who codes; intention is that some might be insightful ~
Many Routes to Gin
- Serious Title: How various ways of declaring routes on Gin affects performance
- Serious Title: How various ways of declaring routes on Gin affects performance
Oct 9
How I broke tf.data.datasets down into manageable chunks
- Serious Title: Relative Performance of .shard(), .skip() and .batch() in TensorFlow
- Serious Title: Relative Performance of .shard(), .skip() and .batch() in TensorFlow
Jul 11
I added a feature that was "impossible" for three years
- Serious Title: Adding the option to hide scrollbar to SumatraPDF
- Serious Title: Adding the option to hide scrollbar to SumatraPDF
Jul 5
A Python Tkinter GUI App That Won't Make You Puke Blood (Part 2)
- Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 2)
- Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 2)
Jun 28
A Python Tkinter GUI App That Won't Make You Puke Blood (Part 1)
- Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 1)
- Serious Title: Buliding a Pure Python / Tkinter application for downloading from FormSG (Part 1)
Jun 21
Zeroth Post
Jul 24